Page 30 - Demo
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Five-year old Ollie, son of Rainbow Beach charter operator Greg Pearce, caught this big whiting on a charter with Clint.
John with his personal best 40cm whiting.
Grant and a big whiting caught on a Broadwater charter with the author.
HOPE you’re hav- ing or have had a bit of time off
On one of the author’s sand  at wading trips Matt, Dave and Shannon caught over 120  sh for the day.
Escaping the crowd over CIhristmas holidays
Broadwater Guide
Page 30 – Bush ’n Beach Fishing, January 2021
* continued P32
to enjoy Queensland’s beautiful bush and beach – the best place in the world right now.
are keen to learn more, and locals wanting to enjoy a day out and catch a feed.
with the family and still catch fish, but where else?
We have been ex- tremely busy with our local estuary charters, hosting many anglers new to the sport who
This month, I thought I would give a few tips for people wanting to escape the crowds and noise on the water.
The southern Broad- water has large areas of sand flats that are all home to healthy stocks of flathead, whiting, bream, tarwhine, floun- der, blue swimmer crabs and mud crabs.
Longest-running estuary lure  shing charter in SEQ with over 40 years’ experience
Light tackle lure  shing
charters guaranteeed
to catch!!
Spots, tackle, lures, tides, species, estuary tactics, moons, seasons and more!
SMS 0432 990 302
Charter gift vouchers and online store
If you get out there early in the morning or late in the after- noon, it is still pos- sible to have a little quiet fishing time on the Gold Coast rivers and creeks.
To keep it simple, fish these areas on top of the banks at high tide, off the edges at low tide, and in the middle in between.
But any time after 8am at places such as the Gold Coast Broad- water and you’ll find a lot of wash and annoy- ing sounds emanating from fun-seeking wa- tercraft.
This is when thinking like a fish can result in a productive session.
I touched on this sub- ject in a recent article and thought to continue it further.
The highest point on a sand bank is out of reach to fish when the tide is low and the bank is dry.
As mentioned previ- ously, 6-knot zones can be a good place to hide
The first thing the fish do when the run-in tide laps over the shallow sand is to swim into the shallows to check what

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