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TMurray-Darling Basin Authority and BoM update
HE 2020 Basin we experienced good to floodplains. when many Basin heat days are less like- Plan Evalua- rainfall in spring. However, they can be communities expe- ly, but this does not tion, assessing The wet weather damaging and present rienced poor rainfall mean bushfires are
the outcomes of the is likely to continue challenges to commu- and suffered through not a possibility.
Basin Plan and the through summer and
nity and environment. The use of flooding information on the website is encouraged, which includes key contacts and expected water quality issues that
prolonged drought. The current La Niña means we are likely to see more rain in eastern and northern Australia, and several drought-affected areas have already had an increase in rain, lead- ing to higher water
With more rain comes an increase in foliage growth, which could dry over summer and a few hot, windy days could spark bushfires.
process to implement it, was released in De- cember 2020.
there is a high chance of flooding in several Basin states, accord- ing to the Bureau of Meteorology’s severe weather outlook.
The evaluation pro- vided an opportunity to take stock of what had been achieved and ap- ply the lessons learned to the future.
To help prepare for flooding, our River Operations team has been participating in training exercises de- signed to stimulate flash flooding and very high inflows into Hume Dam and Yar- rawonga Weir.
may occur.
As the BoM’s latest
South Australia, NSW and Victoria are likely to experience heatwaves that last longer and are more humid.
The Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council, which in- cludes the water min- isters of every Basin state and the Austral- ian Government, con- sidered the findings of the evaluation when it met in late November.
severe weather out- look predicts an in- creased risk of flood- ing and cyclones in Basin states, it may be time to batten down the hatches.
storage levels. October through to
Stay up to date with the heatwaves in your area by monitoring BoM’s heatwave ser- vice, or to watch regu- lar climate and water updates, subscribe to BoM webinars bom.
Across the Basin,
Floods are a natural part of Australia’s wa- ter cycle and are cru- cial in providing water
The outlook for Oc- tober 2020 to April 2021 is a stark con- trast to a year ago,
The predicted higher rainfall and humidity means long-running bushfires and extreme
April is considered the peak period for bush- fires, thunderstorms, heatwaves and tropi- cal cyclones.
TDepartment of Agriculture and Fisheries Stocking Group update
HIS update cov- cial fishing industry. been released. • Learn more about offline functionality. ers a range of No major changes to This new app will al- your catch, such as the Photos of fish are only
topics of interest. recreational and charter low you to:
Stocking season sector regulations have • Identify catch by fish based on the size app’s artificial intelli-
With stocking well un- derway across most of the state, this is a timely reminder to let your lo- cal Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol of- fice know 48 hours be- fore a stocking event is scheduled to occur.
been made in this round of reforms – only minor administrative amend- ments to provide con- sistency across all fish- ing sectors.
submitting a photo and leveraging the app’s fish recognition functional- ity, which uses artificial intelligence to identify a limited number of com- mon fish species, and you can help improve the fish recognition functionality by submit- ting your fish photos to help train our fish rec- ognition tool
you enter in the app
• Contact Fisheries Queensland to submit information or make an
The new recreational
This allows QBFP to field any calls from the general public and at- tend the stocking.
New Queensland recreational boating and fishing guides
mobile signal reception. The app uses cached species information and simplified mapping in- formation as part of its
You can download the app for free by search- ing for ‘Qld Fishing 2.0’ in the App Store and via Google Play.
For more informa- tion, visit au/business-priorities/ fisheries/sustainable/ fisheries-reforms
enquiry or complaint. The new recreational fishing app can be used in remote locations or in locations with limited
fishing app does not collect or store personal information about the user or where they are fishing.
approximate age of a used to help train the
Also feel free to call me on 07 3087 8131 or send an email thomas. and I will try to attend where practical. Regulation amendments announced
With the passing of reforms, we have now received a fresh print run of the Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guides.
• Understand the fish- ing rules that apply in your current location by using the ‘Can I Fish Here?’ functionality
Thomas Hart – Fisheries Officer
Changes to fisheries regulations were an- nounced on 30 Sep- tember 2020 to ensure the sustainability of Queensland’s commer-
FFSAQ will be pro- vided with copies for distribution or you can contact me for copies. Qld Fishing 2.0 App
• Receive Fisheries Queensland notifica- tions, including remind- ers about upcoming clo- sures
A new version of our recreational fishing app ‘Qld Fishing 2.0’ has
• Purchase a permit tofishinoneofour63 stocked dams or weirs, via a link to the Australia Post SIPS sales platform
Bush ’n Beach Fishing, January 2021 – Page 89

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