Page 3 - Bush 'n Beach Fishing Magazine
P. 3

FWrom the Bush ‘n Beach Fishing Editor
OULDN’T only have a maximum per trolling techniques across most of the in- to do this.
it be great to of eight snapper, with in Moreton Bay and dustry. September school holi- have a crys- no more than two over have some fun throw- We are a little fortu- days are just around the
tal ball? 70cm. ing surface lures for
nate in Queensland, and corner, so hopefully you
Unfortunately, that is not the case, so we must take each day as it comes.
Thankfully, we had numerous species to target during the clo- sure and the easing in pressure should help re- juvenate stocks. Fishing
bream and flathead.
I have also booked in- to Noosa for a getaway with the family for the September school holi- days, so a little whiting fishing will be on the
whether through good luck or good manage- ment – it doesn’t really matter which – we still have the opportunity to travel within the state and I encourage people
have already booked a place to stay, as many places are already at capacity, which is awe- some to see.
Thankfully over the past month there have been several crack- ing days weather wise, which has enabled plen- ty of boating and fish- ing, and allowed us to escape the rat race and forget all the troubles of the world.
Stay safe.
It is times like these I get a better understating and appreciation of what we have on offer here, and all the positive ef- fects boating and fishing have on a person.
This means there is a variety of fish on offer because you can still get the tail end of win- ter fish and the start of the summer species.
form of fishing, which includes ‘pumping for yabbies’ and either fish- ing on a shallow sand bank or from the shore, can be extremely re- warding, especially if the kids are involved.
The recent snapper and pearl perch closure seemed to go well, with most people doing the right thing, which was very pleasing to see.
In this edition, the team have covered a variety of options along the east coast and fresh- water impoundments, so there’s plenty of in- formation to whet your appetite.
Seeing their faces light up when they ei- ther spot a yabby, catch their rod tip fluttering or let a fish go are all very special moments and another reason why fishing is more than just a recreation, it’s a way of life. Supporting a local
Even though the clo- sure is now over, I still urge people to think about the fish biomass and stocks, and to take that into account when deciding to either keep or release fish – irre- spective of their bag or boat limit.
I do find setting fish- ing goals or targets helps you go out on the water with a plan.
Now, more than ever is the time to support local business.
To refresh your mem- ory, we now have a boat limit of eight snapper, which takes precedent over individual bag limits.
Although this is fish- ing and, as I have found out many times, having a plan B or even C is sometimes required.
It doesn’t matter if you’re buying a lure from the local tackle store or purchasing a boat from a marine dealer, it will all help.
If you have three peo- ple onboard you can
This month I am aim- ing to refine my snap-
I have said this before, but it would be great to support our advertisers.
We try very hard to support those who sup- port us, and I’m sure the feeling is mutual
Bush ’n Beach Fishing, September 2020 – Page 3
September marks the start of spring, which I regard as a transition period.
cards as well.
This very simple
Ben Collins
Having a plan should make your time on the water more produc- tive and improve your catches.
With Queensland’s border closed for possi- bly the remainder of the year, we need to make sure we keep each state’s economy moving.
However, the point re- mains – having a focus for your trip will get you more fish.
These guys have been with us through thick and thin.
It would also be ap- preciated that when you do support these guys you mention that you saw their ad in BNB.
LACHLAN BAKER nailed this lovely coral trout from the Bunker Group. Writers JOHN BOON and GARY CHURCHWARD have this area wired, and you can have a read about it on Page 52 and 62.
NEXT EDITION: October edition will be on sale in newsagents from September 25.
SEPTEMBER SUBSCRIPTION PRIZE: See sub- scription form on Page 89 to go in the draw to win one of three Okuma Avenger 3000 spin- ning reel and BNB beanie packs valued at $81.95 each.
JULY PRIZEWINNER: Congratulations to Glenn Parker, Helensvale who has won an ultimate  shing pack valued at over $300.

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