2019 boondooma dam yellowbelly fishing comp

2019 Boondooma Dam Yellowbelly Family Fishing Competition

BOONDOOMA Dam Yellowbelly Fishing Competition spokesman Terry Allwood says with Boondooma fishing extremely well, the 2019 event should set new records in both the long-standing gilled and gutted section as well as the catch and release component.

Cash and other prizes will be presented at the end of each of the three sessions as well as overall competition winners at the conclusion of the event. Profits from the event are used to supplement fishing permit funds from the Queensland Government and to date about 4.5 million fingerlings have been stocked into Boondooma Dam. The catch and release category targeting Australian bass, yellowbelly, silver perch, jew and spangled perch is open to all anglers who nominate.

This category will now be catch, photograph and release to improve fish sustainability. The annual competition will be held on February 9 and 10, 2019. Entry costs will be $20 for adults and $5 for juniors aged 16 and under.

Random lucky draw prizes will again be a huge drawcard to the many entrants that nominate at the event, with one lucky person walking away with a brand-new boat, motor and trailer package, and you don’t even need to fish to win. The ongoing support of the many generous sponsors will ensure a wide range of prizes and lucky draws are available for all competitors.

Lucky draws are held at the end of each fishing session and at the Friday night briefing. All presentations and lucky draws are conducted from event headquarters at the stocking association clubhouse. Food and drink stalls will be provided by local community groups over the weekend and the great camping facilities provided by the South Burnett Regional Council will be available for campers staying at the lake.

The cost of camping fees and details of accommodation options at the lake can be found at southburnett.qld.gov.au or by calling the Boondooma Dam kiosk on 07 4168 9694. Additional information on the local area and past fishing competitions can be found on the Proston Online website prostononline.info

Please join in the fun at Boondooma Dam for a family weekend of fishing and camping. For additional information, please contact Terry Allwood on 0400 860 122.

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