This year’s classic was brimming with camaraderie, skill and plenty of fish.

2024 Tailor Fishing Classic wrap up

What a fantastic event our fourth annual Tailor Fishing Classic turned out to be!

This year’s competition attracted 117 anglers from local and distant locations who competed in both adult and junior divisions over a weekend brimming with camaraderie, skill and plenty of fish.

The 2024 Tailor Fishing Classic saw an impressive array of catches – the biggest and most successful one yet.

We had 154 fish weighed in, with a total length of 6188.5cm – fish measured to the fork.

In comparison, last year’s event had 41 fish weighed in, with a total length of 2063.5cm.

A huge congratulations to all entrants and winners.

Winners of the adult division

Sharon Lally took home the prize for the Longest Single Tailor with 49.5cm.

Joel Hodge’s three fish took out the prize for the Longest Combined Length, with 144cm.

The family friendly weigh in was a hit with attendees of all ages.

Winners of the juniors (13-17) division

Cameron White won the Single Longest Fish with his tailor of 45.5cm.

Cody Crockett-Smith took home the prize for the Longest Combined Three Fish, with a length of 145cm.

With over 100 participants this year, the competition was fierce.

Our boundaries were extended for this event, which enabled entrants to fish from the northern tip of North Stradbroke south to the North Wall at Ballina.

Beyond the comp, the Tailor Fishing Classic continued its tradition of fostering community spirit.

The family friendly weigh in was a hit with attendees of all ages.

We had 154 fish weighed in, with a total length of 6188.5cm.


A special thanks to our partners at the Southport Amateur Fishing Club, our staff and our sponsors for their incredible support.

Alongside the winners of the Longest Single Fish and Longest Combined Three Fish in both divisions, many anglers walked away with something on the day – simply by showing up to the weigh in.

We distributed an array of exciting prizes, thanks again to our amazing sponsors, including state-of-the-art fishing gear and vouchers.

A heartfelt congratulations to all our winners and participants for making this year’s event one to remember.

As we close the books on the 2024 Tailor Fishing Classic, we’re looking forward to next year’s competition already.

Your passion and enthusiasm are what make this comp special and we can’t wait to see you again.

Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered and supported this year’s event.

Here’s to tight lines and big catches until we meet again.

Happy fishing from us – Paul and the team at The Bait Shop Gold Coast.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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