hardz slappa

Atomic Hardz Slappa

hardz slappaATOMIC Hardz is one of the most popular lure brands in Australia, producing an array of hard-bodied lures for all situations.

The Atomic Slappa has just arrived and has quickly proven itself on Murray cod up to 70cm and larger bass for our ambassadors. Atomic’s Slappa is a classic surface crawler designed to make maximum disturbance on the water. It is 90mm long and has large aluminium wings that fold against the body, enabling anglers to deliver long accurate casts time and time again.

The wide body displaces water and provides the point upon which it waddles across the surface. The small cupped face also spits water as it moves over the surface.
Cast a Slappa for bass and cod, wind slowly and hold on! The Slappa is available in an amazing array of 14 colours with both natural and brightly visible patterns available.
Some glow colours are also on offer for anglers casting at night.

Team ambassadors have caught bass and small Murray cod up to 70cm during testing.

Visit atomiclures.com.au or facebook.com/atomiclures

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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