Photo: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Australian bass back for another season

THE annual closed season for Australian bass in Queensland tidal waters ends this week.

Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol manager Rob McDonald said the species had been off-limits in tidal waterways from June 1 to August 31 to protect the species during its breeding cycle. “Fishers can return to their favourite tidal waterways to catch Australian bass from Friday, September 1,” he said. “It’s important to remember that size and possession limits apply. The minimum size for Australian bass is 30cm and the possession limit is two at any one time, whether that’s in your freezer at home, or in your boat.”

“The annual closed season is vital to protecting this migratory species of fish during a vulnerable time when they head downstream to spawn in brackish waters each year. The closure is an important measure that allows stocks to replenish to ensure there are sustainable fisheries for current and future generations of Queensland anglers.”

For more information about Australian bass or closed seasons, visit

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