Tin Can Bay Boat Hire

Whiting and Jacks in Tin Can Bay

Yikes, November is all but done and dusted and Christmas is only 4 weeks away!  For some this time of the year means spending time with family and friends but for others it is all about the fishing.  Water temps have reached the mid 20’s and the whiting and jacks have certainly come out to play with a regular stream …

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Try for Flathead, Whiting, Bream & Travally at Tin Can Bay

What a mix of different weather this past week from absolute glorious conditions earlier in the week including some stinking hot days to strong winds that would blow a dog off it’s chain and now rain at Tin Can Bay!  Looking at the forecast for the weekend this wind is set to decrease over the next few days although will …

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Flathead Biting At Tin Can Bay

School holidays are now in full swing and we has so far had a few hit and miss days with strong wind warnings at times. That being said we have seen an increased amount of traffic on the water with a several reports of good whiting and flathead being caught along the Tin Can Bay foreshore. The flats in front …

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School holidays fishing on Cooloola Coast

School holidays are here again and with the warmer temperatures I am sure we will see an influx of visitors to the Cooloola Coast over the next two weeks.  The forecast for the first weekend is looking a little drab with possible showers and wind on the agenda for Saturday before dropping away to a reasonable day on Sunday with …

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Tin Can Bay boaties buzzing

As another working week is set to wrap up its time to start planning your weekends fishing adventures. We had some fantastic weather last Sunday for fathers and the waters around Tin Can Bay were buzzing with boat traffic.  We have had a number of reports of the last week of good whiting and flathead throughout the bay with some …

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Tin Can Bay creeks get a much needed flush out

The recent rain has given the creeks a much need flush out and the crabs are moving with several reports of mud crabs coming from around the mouth of the creeks as well as on the sand flats around Tin Can Bay with the added bonus of a few sand crabs as well. Golden trevally are about in Snapper creek. …

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Whiting and flathead at Tin Can Bay

The past week has seen a glimpse of spring around Tin Can Bay, with warmer days as well as some well deserved rain.  We have had reports of whiting and flathead from the sand flats around Tinnanbar and Poona with live yabbies and beach worms working best. The offshore scene is fishing well with snapper, sweetlip, tuna and amberjack being …

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Forecast a welcome change for Tin Can Bay

As the end of another working week draws near you can be forgiven for shifting your attention to more pressing matters such as this weekend’s fishing plans….. The current forecast for the weekend is a welcome change around Tin Can Bay after the run of rather average weather we have had over the last couple of weeks although still not …

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Tin Can Bay fishing options

Last weekend was a fizzer with strong winds making conditions on the bay rather uncomfortable and the beach was a mess to say the least with the only area worth a try was around Double Island Point and in the lagoon where some solid whiting were being caught. The wind dropped away through the week & we had some fantastic conditions with …

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Fishing hasn’t slowed down in Tin Can Bay

Well I’ll be! The weatherman got it right this time for Tin Can Bay. The heavy rain & wind we had late last week was a distant memory by Saturday morning with clear blue skies & light winds. Best of all it’s been the same all week & set to continue for a few more days yet. Whilst the rain …

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