Bass on the chew in the dams

bass on the chew Over the past weekend I headed up north to chase some Australian bass in Lake Gregory, Bundaberg. This is a small dam that’s quite easy to get your head around if you already know a thing or two about bass. Most fish were sitting deep and eating 10g spoons and small blades. It was a hot session both days, with many bass on the chew including a 1.58kg model to top off the day at this dam.

We were up here for the casino outdoors bass electric series round 4, and the weather played its part and gave us a light breeze paired with warm sunny skies. Most anglers caught their bag and upgrades as well as a few smaller fish for the day which shows even with the dam been at a lower level the fish are still biting. A lot of fish were caught slow rolling metal lures such as slow blatt cast oval 10g jigs, Halco metal twisty 20g and metal vibes in a ¼ ounce. 5-10 winds of the handle followed by opening your bail arm and letting it fall back to the bottom with slack line was key t getting them to bite.

The day after the competition we headed to Borumba dam to split the 6-hour drive home. We arrived at around 630AM and started fishing finding a school of fish around the 8m mark off a natural point. These fish were biting ice jigs and slow blatts. After about an hour fishing these fish we noticed most of the fish were smaller than average so we moved. About 750m away in the middle of the dam we found some very active fish in the 15m areas that ate anything we threw. Most fish ate the lures on the way back to the bottom, striping line off an open spool and making some great fishing

If you get the chance have a go on a QLD dam this winter and have a load of fun!!

About Wellington Point Marine

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