sun smart

Be sun smart this summer with Shimano

WHO doesn’t love summer and all the fun in the sun it offers.

Whether it is getting out on the water, deep into the bush or simply to the beach, park, creek or lake, it pays to stay sun smart. As you head out into the sun with your family, friends or mates, be it camping, trekking, boating, sailing or fishing, playing it safe in the sun will not only keep you from getting scorched but make it a whole lot more fun.

Here are seven sun smart tips to keep you and your family safe this summer.

  1. Cover up! However sexy a good tan might look, keeping the sun off your skin is still a mainstay in being sun smart. Long sleeves and shoulders covered is best. Better yet, ‘slip’ on light breathable materials that keep you cool and provide sun protection in their fibres. The new sublimated fishing shirts from Shimano offer UPF50+ protection and some amazing photography by underwater photographer Al McGlashan, making them stunning and sun safe.
  2. Sunscreen has long been the must-have if you are planning to spend time out in the sun. Surprisingly, most folks still think they are made of steel and don’t need to worry about this one. When you are on the beach or water with the sun reflecting up and glare at its maximum, you really have to ‘slop’ it on thoroughly and reapply after you’ve had a swim.
  3. We have had this one drummed into us since kindy and primary school and it could not be more relevant as the seasons heat up and the sun gets more intense – yes, ‘slap’ on a hat. The good old broad-brimmed hat is, of course, best to keep your face and ears out of the sun, but caps and those with a neck flap are great too. Shimano’s range of caps and hats are designed to give maximum protection while looking cool too.
  4. Take a break from direct sun. Shade is the ultimate respite from the sun’s heat and harming rays. Whenever possible, ‘seek’ out shade and take direct sun in shorter doses, rather than one long block of time. Remember that even when you are out of the sun, the glare and rays can still bounce off the water, ground and sand, so keep the sunscreen and cover up.
  5. Your eyes are super sensitive, so definitely ‘slide’ on some good-quality sunnies to keep the brightness and glare down and direct sunlight out of your eyes. Now, as with most things, there are good ones, not so good ones and really good ones. When it comes to sunnies, it is not worth taking unnecessary chances. Check out the Shimano range of sunnies designed to minimise eye impact and reduce bounce behind the lenses due to their contoured and shaped sunglass models.
  6. Keeping hydrated is very important, and contrary to common belief, chugging a few cans of beer is not proper hydration. Always make sure you have ample water on hand and take a regular ‘sip’ throughout each hour. The longer you are in the sun, the more you should drink. A good guide is to drink at least two litres of water per day (not beer), and more if you are active, exercising or sweating a lot.
  7. Above all, ‘share’ these tips with your family and friends. And, while in the bush, out on the water or adventuring elsewhere, make sure you tick off these seven summer sun smart tips. Better yet, by practising these sun smart tips, you will lead those around you to be sun smart too.

Shimano’s summer safe hats, shirts, sunnies and more are available from all good tackle, fishing and outdoor shops.

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About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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