bias boating
Mr Peter Ruhle is steering Bias Boating to online super success.

Bias Boating’s new owners steering to online success

bias boatingWITH new owners at the helm, online chandlery Bias Boating has been restructured, revitalised and is now back in operation as a marine products superstore.

And it is doing so with the addition of ‘real people’ available at the end of a telephone line to assist with any queries about the products and how to use them properly. It has taken several years for the new owners to acquire the brand, reshape its direction, reorganise its products lines, stocks, warehousing and distribution systems and relaunch Bias Boating as a super force in the online marine retailing space.

According to director Mr Peter Ruhle, Bias Boating’s online range now covers power, sail and kayaking forms of boating as well as thousands of products that have application in caravanning, camping and hiking.

“We have broken them into 26 major categories to make finding the right item a very simple process,” Mr Ruhle said. “It also allows for easy, casual browsing through item categories. “Our key points of difference are our product expertise and advice, which can be accessed online; fast delivery turnaround on products purchased; competitive pricing across the full range and marketing ‘super saver’ specials.

“We have also created an integrated order tracking system that allows customers to see the progress of their purchase including when it was ordered, picked, shipped and delivered.” Bias Boating is also able to provide assistance to those customers who bought items some time ago through the previous Bias owners and who now might need assistance with issues ranging from product updates or replacements to software upgrades and new interfaces with electronic products.

“We have also introduced a 1800 number to provide technical support – that way Bias Boating’s customers will be able to talk to a real person rather than having to work through frustrating, automated, self-help computerised systems,” Mr Ruhle said.

“The staff are available to advise pre-purchase, during the purchase and post-purchase.” Getting operational in an improved form is the first step of the transition. “We will also be creating a Bias Club with benefits, offers and club experiences for members,” Mr Ruhle said.

“We are still defining the parameters of that and also will be guided to a large extent by the wishes of our core customers. “We believe the key to success is understanding that when it comes to the purchase of marine products online, it requires a totally integrated experience, not just a ‘grab and post’ system.

“Therefore, we have sought to provide a local, human interface as well to remove the frustrations experienced when dealing with faceless organisations, call centres, outsourced distribution systems and people who might never have even set foot on a boat in their entire working lives.”

Access to the online Bias Boating store is via
The toll-free number for advice is 1800 790 242.

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