Silver perch are listed as a vulnerable species and trout cod is listed as an endangered species in NSW waters.

Big fines for possessing threatened fish species

Failing to identify threatened species of fish combined with a poor understanding of the fishing rules has proven costly for several people fishing on the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers in the states southwest.

A total of $15,000 in fines has been handed out to individuals during the month of February and the beginning of March who have been found in possession of silver perch and trout cod.

In two separate incidents, Fisheries Officers patrolling the Murrumbidgee River near Darlington Point have detected a total of 9 fishers in possession of a combined total of 20 silver perch.

On the Murray River, Fisheries Officers patrolling downstream of the Yarrawonga Weir and Cobram-Barooga have apprehended 5 men on two separate occasions in possession of 3 trout cod and 10 silver perch.



Silver perch are listed as a vulnerable species in NSW waters and may only be taken from stocked inland impoundments. Any person found in possession of silver perch taken from our inland rivers faces a maximum penalty of $55,000 or imprisonment for 1 year or both.

Trout cod is listed as an endangered species in NSW waters with a maximum penalty for anyone found in possession being $220,000 or imprisonment for 2 years or both. Both species need to be released immediately upon capture and returned to the water with the least possible harm.

Recreational fishers are reminded to appraise themselves of the fishing rules and fish identification before going fishing. The NSW FishSmart app is a valuable tool to assist anglers and can be downloaded for free onto any smart phone. Download the free FishSmart NSW app from Google Play for android or the iTunes store.

The public are encouraged to report illegal fishing via the Fishers Watch phone line on 1800 043 536 or through the online form.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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