big rainfalls sunshine coast red emperor
A big red emperor from wide of DI. Photo:

Big rainfalls alter water colour on Sunshine Coast

With the coast copping some big rainfalls of late the rivers have turned dark brown and the local reefs have seen a change in water colour. We have also seen a bump in the swell making offshore conditions hard during the week. The weekend did see light winds early on but the swell remained which kept most in the river.

Without a doubt the most popular area is Halls reef with Spotties and Spanish coming in. The Spanish aren’t in big numbers but they are hitting the bigger slow trolled baits. When you try this be sure to alter your troll speed to make your bait rise and fall to look more natural. For bait options be sure to look at sauri and gar for a long narrow presentation. Next in line was Sunshine reef which will show a big improvement in numbers of sweetlip which respond well to rain. This is the place to try the new Chasebaits flick prawn heavy. With prawns set to run any prawn profile plastic is sure to get clobbered! Further north toward DI there have been some big AJ’s and mixed reef fish caught but with conditions this will be off limits until the swell dies off.

Off the surf the light surf anglers will be having the most success in the various gutters and drop offs. There should be some good ground opening up with the recent swells which will see whiting, bream and dart coming on the chew. Keep things simple and use a Black Magic whiting wacker rig which comes pre rigged and is the easiest way to fish multiple baits of worm and pipi and keep it light. As we push toward the full moon the swell is set to get bigger so be careful as this will be a NNE/E direction and will hit everything head on.

Inside the river you are best to avoid upriver marks as the fresh water will dominate and catfish and rays will be on the catch list. Stay in the lower estuary for the saltier water and use oily baits of pilchard and mullet or lures with a lot of vibration. With the bigger tides a better lure choice is a soft vibe like the Zerek fish trap. These are heavy and are easy to work with a mix of simple rod lifts. This vibration will be picked up by fish and in low visibility are sure to be a hit with flathead, trevally and big mangrove jacks. Try areas out of the main current like Noosa Sound, Woods Bay and Weyba Bridge. With the poor visibility you can up leaders to 12-15lb for better results on bigger fish. Take a look at the instinct and dogtooth leaders which come in large and handy small spool sizes for occasional use.

Freshwater has seen things drop off after the rains however the fish are still biting. You are best to use live baits of worm, prawn and yabby if wanting to catch fish. If using lures then a suspending hard body around 70mm is best. You will need to make sure you leave the lure paused for a long time. Take a look at Bassday Sugadeep and Lucky Craft pointers. Both of these lures are the perfect bait size and are easy to work. Lake MacDonald boat ramp is now easy to use with the rise in water levels. Borumba is still very low so take care, travel slowly and keep your eyes peeled for trees.

Now for all the  latest information log onto for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World, Davo’s Boating and Outdoors in Noosa and  Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!

About Tackle World Noosa

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