Brisbane Marine is Brisbane’s best-kept secret

A FEW years ago Brisbane Marine started selling and servicing Mercury products on the Redcliffe peninsula.

The company soon built a strong, loyal customer base that swears by the business’s honesty and reputation for giving customers exactly what they want. So, when the team members were constantly asked why they didn’t sell boats, they decided to listen to the people who had made them so successful and move into boat sales.

Like everything at Brisbane Marine, they put a process in place and planned their next move carefully.

The master plan commenced in January this year and the company’s simple business philosophies have paid dividends. Customers can’t get enough of the direct, honest approach and the team’s eagerness to deliver actual solutions.

Loyalty is key in the marine industry, and Brisbane Marine wanted to be loyal to specific brands, sticking with one alloy boat brand and one fibreglass brand. This started a journey to find the two best boats available.

The team eventually agreed on Anglapro boats for the alloy range because of their massive five-year warranty and amazing stability.

Streaker Boats was chosen as the fibreglass brand for their high-quality, wood-free build and exceptional value for money.

A heap of Anglapros and Streakers will be on display at the Brisbane Boat Show. Drop in and visit the team and see why these guys have been so popular. The Brisbane Marine team members really pride themselves on delivering what they promise and ensuring customers leave with a positive experience.

The first of the new Anglapro Predator range will be on display at the show and will eat its competition. If you are looking for a family sized alloy plate beast that will keep the partner happy and be the ultimate all-rounder, the Anglapro Predator is a must see.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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