bundaberg weather barramundi

Bundaberg weather fantastic for school holidays

The fishing around the region has been fantastic and this weekend’s Bundaberg weather forecast is looking good for the kids for the first weekend of the school holidays to get out and wet a line.

This past week, the Burnett River has produced some really nice summer whiting around the shallow sand bars. Yabbies and fresh peeled prawns are two baits that have been working a treat.

I enjoy fishing the Burnett River at this time of the year because there are so many options. There are still plenty of flathead willing to take baits or soft plastics right throughout the river. There is grunter around in good numbers and winter whiting are still being caught around the mouth on either Gulp Worm or strips of squid.

More and more mangrove jack and barramundi are becoming more active in all of our local rivers as the weather warms up. Some of the hot lures that have been doing the damage on these awesome sportfish have been the Zerek Live Cherabin and Samaki Vibelicious Vibes.

The word going around is that good numbers and good sized banana prawns are still being cast netted in the deeper holes in the Burnett River with the top and bottom of the tide being the most productive.

It sounds like Lake Gregory is starting to fire again now that the water levels are back to normal. Good numbers of Australian bass are still schooled up in the deeper water and lures such as Ecogear ZX40, Jackall Dera Coup and Little Max Blades all smashing the bass.

I was lucky enough to do a quick run up to Lake Monduran last Saturday morning. The dam is currently sitting around 30cm below the spillway and looking fantastic. With every spot I tried, I saw barramundi on my Humminbird Side Imaging Fish Finder and managed to hook a few for the morning. Let’s hope this action continues for the MASA (Monduran Anglers & Stocking Association) Family Fishing Classic coming up in October.

Fish with confidence,

Dale Smith
Tackle World Bundaberg

About Tackle World Bundaberg

22 Quay St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 1800 822 553 or (07) 4153 4747

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