Inshore/Offshore fishing
If you like catching pelagic’s you are going to absolutely love this time of year! Team member Josh got out over the weekend and saw heaps of tuna busting up everywhere. These fish were feeding on tiny bait around the 5cm size so a small metal slug and 20 to 30lb leader got the bites.

Throwing some larger lures like stick baits and poppers is great fun and will often times give you a good chance at landing a longtail tuna when they are feeding on bigger bait. Sometimes you’ll see them launch out of the water with your lure in their mouth and then hear your reel scream as they tear off into the dark depths of the water. Some good sized spanish are around so it may pay to troll a hardbody or a dead bait. A lot of the inshore reefs are holding plenty of bait, the trout, snapper and grunter have been feeding well. Small grassy sweetlip, mosses perch and spanish flags have been caught in good numbers as well.

With the good weather we have had of late there has been some cracking reports of red emperor, coral trout, red throat and solid grassy sweetlip being caught. Some massive cobia and mackerel are also being caught in good numbers around the wrecks. Unfortunately the weather isn’t looking the best for the long weekend but definitely keep and eye on the latest weather forecast in case some of the days turn out alright.

The go to lures at the moment has to be the Nomad Squidtrex or the Cast range of jigs. These lures have an incredible action and have been getting the bites! If bait fishing is more your thing the trout and sweetlip have loved a whole pilchard and the big reds have smashed some mullet fillet!

Burnett River
The Burnett River is still fishing red hot! The barra are on the chew, these fish have been found in schools around rock bars and fallen trees. Most of these barra are eating prawn imitation soft plastics or live baits.
Some solid mangrove jack and cod have been caught around town near the bridges and Kirby’s Wall. The crabbing and prawning is also red hot at the moment so definitely make sure to throw the pots in and have a few throws of the cast net when you can!

Elliott River
This week has seen some great fishing out of the Elliott River with a lot of families taking advantage of some solid weather and heading out for a days fishing. The river has produced some great sized flathead, queenfish, cod and jack. The mouth of the river is where the flathead and queenfish have been caught most, small soft plastics have been deadly on these fish.
Along the rock bars and up river in the creeks has found some cracking cod and mangrove jack being caught especially for those using live baits. Live poddy mullet and live prawns have been the standout baits and have definitely helped most anglers get into some solid fish. The prawns have been thick in this river so whilst up the creeks keep an eye on the deep holes for them.

Baffle Creek
Like last week we have seen some great bread and butter fishing coming from the Baffle! The whiting have been on the chew during the incoming tide along the shallow sand flats especially those with plenty of yabbie beds.
Fresh yabbies is always a whiting’s favourite food so be sure to pump some yabbies at low tide and fish the start of the incoming tide over those same shallow flats. Some cracking flathead have also been caught using this exact same method along with small strips of mullet fillet.
Whilst fishing for these flatties it is well worth flicking some small soft plastics like the Zman 3 inch Minnowz. The crabs and prawns have also been in great numbers and show no sign of slowing down. Some good places to try is in middle channel and up the creeks, the bottom of the tide is when most of the prawns have been found.

Kolan River
The Kolan has continued to produce some cracking grunter this week with the go to technique definitely being fishing the sand flats and drop offs with a mix of mullet fillet and fresh yabbies. These grunter have been on the chew all throughout the tide however the start of the incoming has seen more bites.
Be sure to have a look upriver as there is some good barra and jacks getting around. Heaps of river prawns are also being found up past Booyan Bridge along the mud flats, a draw string cast net has been a game changer for those chasing prawns in super shallow water.

Local Beaches
The whiting are definitely back on the chew with most of our local beaches producing some quality sized fish! The baits doing the damage on most of these fish have been freshly pumped yabbies or beach worms.
Fishing during the incoming tide in the gutters and off the beach around the river mouths are the best spots at the moment. Rigging your bait using a running ball sinker rig with some red tubing or balls around your leader has helped get these fish to eat!

Lake Monduran
Lake Monduran has had a good week of fishing with plenty of barra being caught. A lot of smaller fish are still being caught but the bigger barra are showing themselves more and more. This is likely due to the winter seasons approaching as these big barra always like to feed up before the cooler months.
With the cooler conditions ahead we will likely see more big barra caught in the next 2 months along with some good topwater sessions had. Sam from Mondy Man Fishing Charters and Rusty from Rusty’s Lake Monduran Barra Charters have both been getting some solid barra using topwater frogs.
Pop in store and chat to us to see the go to lures, colours and where exactly these fish have been caught.

If you would like your catch photos published to be in the running for a $50 gift card every week, email your details and photos of local catches only to
From the team at Tackle World Bundaberg
Live the Tackle World L.I.F.E – Local Independent Fishing Experts