Emma Deighton with a cracking grunter caught on a Daiwa Double Clutch.

Bundaberg – weekly report


The inshore reefs off Bundy have been producing plenty of quality pelagic fish over the past week. The fish caught the most are longtail tuna, mack tuna, queenfish and trevally. The tuna have been are little hard to find because there haven’t been as many birds working above them, so keep an eye peeled for any topwater action. Team member Josh Mortensen recommends using topwater lures such as the Cast range of stickbaits because they have been working best. Plenty of spanish mackerel are still in close, with trolling garfish being the ideal method to catch them.

Last weekend saw a lot of people head out chasing those big tasty reef fish while the weather allowed. Those fortunate enough to get out were rewarded with plenty of coral trout, red emperor, large-mouth nannygai and cobia that were around and feeding with big tides. Most of these fish were caught on large flesh bait fished close to the bottom, with squid and pilchard getting most of the bites. Make sure to check the latest weather forecast before heading out.


Kale Faull and his son Donny with a nice red emperor bagged off Bundaberg.



Last weekend’s big tides helped the cleaner saltwater push into the river, and the fish knew about it. The past week has seen plenty of flathead, bream and grunter getting caught along the North Wall, sand flats and gravel beds around the mouth of the river. Using a stronger smelling bait such as pilchard and mullet has worked best for flathead and bream. If you’re after whiting, make sure to fish the mouth of the river along shallow sand flats that don’t get too much boat traffic. A lightly weighted running ball sinker rig with freshly pumped yabbies has been getting the finicky whiting to eat. fish


Plenty of tailor and dart are still at the mouth of the Elliott River, following bait as they move with the tide. The dart have been caught on small hard-body lures and the tailor have preferred a small metal slug retrieved quickly through their school. Reports of winter whiting showing themselves around the mouth of the river is a very good sign – this week had them being caught in more numbers. Most of these fish have been on the shallow sand flats towards the mouth of the river. Freshly pumped yabbies have been working very well on a running ball sinker rig.


Ian Barlow with a pair of big grunter caught at a local beach last week.



As for the Burnett River and Baffle Creek, the Kolan River has benefited greatly from the big tides last weekend. Flathead and grunter have been the two fish most commonly caught. Pilchard and sprat have been the best bait to use, with flathead being found in the slightly deeper water off the edges of sand flats or steep banks. Grunter haven’t been too far away, with most caught in deep holes around the mouth of the river. If lures are your thing, a large profile lure such as a 100mm vibe or a 4” soft plastic has been very effective.


With the weather slowly warming up, we’ve seen a lot more barramundi being caught. Make sure you are fishing the bays that the wind has been consistently blowing into because the bait gets pushed in this direction. Most of the fish have been in these bays in shallow water towards the back of the bay or at wind-blown points looking for warmer water. Very effective, particularly on bigger fish, are 5” soft plastics slow rolled through weed and timber.



Warren Ramsey with his first ever fish on a lure! Congratulations Warren! You are our Catch of the Week winner! Call into the store to collect your $50 gift card.

LAKE GREGORY Bundaberg fishing

A few weekends ago on Sunday August 7, saratoga around 30cm were tagged and released into the dam by the Bundaberg Sportfishing Club. This will provide a great future for saratoga fishing in the dam and hopefully the beginning of more toga stocking to come. Though bass haven’t been aggressively hunting, they have been schooled up in deeper water off the points. Using a good quality sounder to locate the fish has been key. These fish have taken a liking to small paddle tail soft plastics slow wound or vibes hopped through their school.

Tackle World Bundaberg

If you would like your catch photos published to be in the running for a $50 gift card every week, email your details and photos of local catches only to  accounts@tackleworldbundy.com.au

Click here for more Bundy fishing info!!!

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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