Bundaberg fishing
Clinton and Elijah Wood with a pair of 1.5kg mud crabs caught in the Burnett River.

Bundaberg – weekly report

BUNDABERG INSHORE Bundaberg weekly fishing report

At this stage, this weekend’s weather report isn’t looking too favourable to get out, but definitely keep an eye on it in case we get lucky. There have been plenty of school mackerel caught at the leads around the Burnett Heads mouth over the past week. The standout technique to catch these fish has been trolling hard-bodies and spoons. Other pelagic species such as trevally and tuna are still being consistently caught – the trick here is to find the bait, which is often given away by birds working directly above the bait ball. Throwing jerk tail soft plastics into this action with a fast retrieve is a great way to get a bite. Bundaberg weekly fishing report


Bundaberg fishing
Anita Ward with a solid flathead caught in Baffle Creek.


Blue salmon have finally turned up and have been on the chew over the past week! Vibing 20g soft vibes in the deeper holes in the river towards the bottom of a tide has been the go. Definitely drop the pots in as there have been some cracking crabs caught, mostly in the main channels. Bundaberg weekly fishing report


Bundaberg fishing
Jody Williams with a big 65cm flathead caught in Baffle Creek.


KOLAN RIVER & BAFFLE CREEK Bundaberg weekly fishing report

The two-standout fish for these systems over the past week have definitely been grunter and whiting. Most of the grunter have been getting caught on 3” paddle tail soft plastics while fishing over gravel beds towards the top of a tide. There have also been some ripper-sized flathead being caught as by-catch. Some of the whiting that have been caught have been studs – up towards 40cm! Pumping yabbies at low tide and fishing the incoming tide over shallow sandbars is the go. Low tide is at midday this weekend, so fishing an afternoon incoming tide will be ideal. Again, don’t forget to drop the crab pots in because there have been some quality mud crabs being caught.



Bundaberg fishing
Kalista Hillyard with a cracker whiting measuring 35cm. Congratulations Kalista! You are our Catch of the Week winner! Call into the shop to collect your $50 gift card.


Lake Monduran is still producing very nice barramundi in the cooler conditions. Fishing the afternoon when the water is warmest is definitely a good idea. Working the edges in the shallower bays with Jackall Squirrels has been the standout technique. Remember to fish with confidence, you never know when that 1m plus barra will smash your lure! Bundaberg weekly fishing report

Till next time, keep it real.

Mitch Beyer
Tackle World Bundaberg

If you would like your catch photos published to be in the running for a $50 gift card every week, email your details and photos of local catches only to  accounts@tackleworldbundy.com.au

Click here for more Bundy fishing info!!!


About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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One comment

  1. Was good to get some tips

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