Fisho Tackle

Smaller flathead sitting on sand around Gold Coast

smaller flathead gold coast

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, how good has the weather been on the Tweed and Gold Coasts with cooler starts turning into nice warm sunny days and light winds perfect for going fishing. Let’s see what has been happening this week. Last Saturday I headed up around Jumpinpin with the kids to have a look around …

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Winter westerly wind cools the Gold Coast

winter westerly wind snapper gold coast

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, the winter westerly winds have certainly cooled things down on the Gold and Tweed Coasts. Plenty of Sunshine and light wind has produced awesome Fishing conditions for everyone to enjoy. Let’s have a look at some weekend fishing options. Fisho Tackle customers have had perfect weather for fishing this week. They …

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Fishing inside coastal bar entrances can be productive

coastal bar entrances gold coast fishing

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, unfortunately the weather gods have been testing our patience again with big swells putting a stop to offshore fishing and inshore anglers trying to dodge the wind and rain on the Gold and Tweed Coasts. Hopefully next week is looking better for having some School Holiday fun on the water. Let’s …

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Fishing a great option during school hols

fishing a great option school hols snapper

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, you would’ve had to be very dedicated to brave the wind and rain to try your luck for a fish on the Tweed or on the Gold Coast.  Fingers crossed the rain will ease by the weekend for the start of School Holidays making fishing a great option to entertain the …

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Cool weather signals bream and snapper on Gold Coast

signals bream and snapper

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, well it looks the nice run of weather has come to an end. We will have a bit more wind and rain hanging around for the weekend and into next week. Lucky we have some good spots to hide in the Tweed and on the Gold Coast to get out of …

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Weather stunning on the Gold and Tweed Coasts

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, the weather has been absolutely stunning on the Gold and Tweed coasts with light winds, small swell and warm sunny days perfect for fishing.  Coomera Bait & Tackle has a new name. We will now be known as Fisho Tackle. Same shop, same crew, same great brands. Let’s check out what’s …

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Cool weather should bring Gold Coast tailor on the chew

gold coast tailor on chew

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, it’s good to back on deck after a nice holiday. A big thank you to Sandra for looking after the fishing report keeping everyone up to date with all the latest fishing action whilst I was away. Winter has hit with a bang on the Gold Coast and Tweed bringing strong …

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Say goodbye to autumn and welcome winter

winter gold coast

Hello Everyone, I hope you’ve all had a great week and had the chance to get out any enjoy the fantastic weather we are having on the Gold and Tweed Coasts.  The conditions have been typical of May weather with the overnight temperatures starting to drop and the day time sitting between the mid and low twenties.  We will have …

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Great transition time on Gold Coast

great transition time on gold coast

Hello everyone, I hope all our mums out there had a great Mother’s day last Sunday. Brett our resident fishing reporter has taken some annual leave from this week to go and get amongst some fishing of this own.  He will be back in around 3 week with no doubt a tale or two to tell, in the meantime it …

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May conditions great for fishing on Gold Coast

Hi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a nice week and managed to get out any enjoy the fantastic weather over the May Day long weekend. Conditions this week have also been great for spending some quality time outdoors. Let’s see what’s been happening around the coast. Fantastic conditions over the May Day Long Weekend saw plenty of boats heading offshore …

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