Bailey putting the rod under load to demonstrate the perfect curve of the blank.

Custom-built snapper rod

Catching a trophy fish is always something special but having caught it on a custom-built rod specifically designed for the job is even better. Custom-built rod

In this article, I want to share with you the process from start to finish on how – with the help of the team at United Tackle Australia and some input from my experiences – we came up with the perfect overhead snapper fishing rod. Custom-built rod

A rod that was fit for purpose yet still very durable were major factors. Custom-built rod

The first couple of things to consider were what species I was going to be targeting, as well as where I was going to be fishing for them.

In this case, the target was going to be snapper and I was going to be boat fishing in water between 40-80m deep.

For this reason, I chose a rod blank that was going to be around 7′ long so it could be worked around the outboard motor and give me room to keep clear of other obstructions.

It also had to comfortably hold a small to medium-sized overhead reel.

We went through all the blanks that were available at the time but decided that we needed something a little different.


United Composites CE700L with the 5” cork foregrip for better control.


We wanted the right combination of graphite and fibreglass – so that we had the light weight and feel through the graphite yet still maintained the strength and flexibility that fibreglass provides.

The UTA team went to work and with the help of some brilliant computer modelling, they came up with the perfect solution.

They went about production of these blanks in three separate line classes and the one I chose for my build was the United Composites CE700L, which has a 15-30lb rating.

United Composite blanks are very highly regarded worldwide.


Sea Guides Premium stainless-steel guides with the protective outer frame to stop the zirconia ring from being damaged.


The tip of the blank has a nice soft rolling curve that’s so important when float-lining a bait down the in to the water column.

The midsection starts to stiffen up but still retains a good curve under load and helps take the pressure off the angler.

Read the full article HERE!!!

About Ben Smith

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