Daiwa Presso

Daiwa 22 Presso

The Presso family welcomes a new member, with the release of the 22 Presso rod series.

An iconic range for many years and a leader in trout rod design and performance, the 22 range delivers anglers a technique-specific rod series suited to targeting trout in small creeks and lakes throughout Australia.

22 Presso couples Daiwa’s X45 and HVF Nanoplus blank technology to increase sensitivity and minimise weight while maintaining durability for long treks through the bush.

Developed to eliminate blank twist and increase power, X45 features a Bias Wrap Construction, left/right 45 degree carbon weave within the blank.

X45 radically improves rod strength and durability by eliminating twist and preventing the blank from losing its round form. The elimination of this twist allows for a lighter, stronger and more powerful and sensitive rod.

Fitted with anti-tangle Fuji FazLite guides, the result is pinpoint trouble-free casting performance all day long.

A lightweight full carbon butt is coupled with a neo-traditional ‘Heartland’ style reel seat, which utilises carbon-infused resin to produce a reel seat that is hollow in construction yet incredibly durable, resulting in one of the lightest rods on the market.

Whether you are trekking for trout in the southern highlands or walking rainforest creeks targeting jungle perch up north, the 22 Presso has you covered.

Visit daiwafishing.com.au

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