deeper water fish noosa
A purple rock cod or blue maori cod. Photo:

Deeper water fish taking fresh baits off Noosa

It’s been a hot one! With temps hitting over 35C and hot Northerly winds turning up the heat one option was to find a shady spot and go for a swim during the daytimes. Early mornings have definitely been the best time to go for a fish before the winds picked up and we have seen some great captures from all areas as water temps continue to climb.

Offshore was accessible by the bigger boats and experienced skippers due to wind and swell earlier in the week. From the charters we have seen Double Island producing sweetlip, pearlies, AJ’s, snapper and mixed cod species. These deeper water fish are all taking fresh baits on traditional 2 hook paternoster rigs. With the lead up to the full moon the tides and currents have been building so if dropping big baits in current be sure to streamline everything. Use bait wrap on slab baits and snapper leads. Using the lightest lines possible for your area and species will see less drag on your gear and you will feel a lot more. For braid anglers be sure to look at quality 8 strand braids which are rounder and smoother. These will cut through strong current meaning you have a high breaking strain line and don’t need much weight to get down quickly, hold fast and more importantly be directly connected to your bait or lure.

North reef remains popular and rightly so with catches of pearl perch, squire, cobia, moses perch, venus tuskfish, sweetlip and smaller snapper coming on board. Again most of these fish taking baits off the bottom. If you are not using a 3 hook gang rig floated out the back be sure to ask us how to set one up as many big fish will hunt midwater, in fact the bigger the fish the braver they are at times.

With the water clarity up if fishing in closer around Sunshine reef, halls or jew shoal, be sure to scale leaders down and fish light. Clear water allows for heavy leaders and line to stand out so going lighter gives baits and lures much better presentation. Come in and check out the extensive range of fluorocarbon leaders and 8 strand braids. Don’t forget we will spool your reel up for free when you purchase line.

The Noosa River has been popular this week and like offshore the clarity resembles clear gin! For daytime anglers the obvious targets are whiting and flathead. Whiting do not mind clear skies and clear water and will come up into the shallows to find food. There is nothing better than standing in waist deep water on a sand flat during the hot days. Casting lures or lightly weighted baits to these fish and on 2kg gear is something everyone should experience. One of the most popular surface lures has to be the MMD splash prawn and has seen whiting taken to 40cm so be sure to check these out and take them for a fish around the dog beach, woods bay, the frying pan and up toward Cootharabah. As the tides moves in and out try various hard body lures that dive to different depths, especially if on the troll. Flatties will move up and down drop offs with the tide and this is a great way to target them. Check out the huge range and be sure to grab some lures with pinks, reds and yellows in them.

The mangrove jack have been out and about but mainly after dark. These fish are not only hunters, but scavengers. Some of the biggest jacks have been caught on simple baits like mullet and pilchard. For live bait anglers be sure your baits are of legal size and have them in fresh aerated water to keep them healthy and kicking. For lure anglers the new range of Jackall smash minnows are perfect for deep walls and drop offs. If running these make sure you pause your lure as jacks will crunch lures sitting still.

Freshwater has livened up especially during the afternoon bite. Lake MacDonald has seen a strong top water bite in the late afternoon with bass to 45cm taken on a wide range of lures. Borumba is a little more quiet with trolling the edges the most popular method of finding the yellas and bass. Take a look at RMG poltergeist for a lure with a lot of wiggle that gets down deep! With the full moon approaching the afternoon bite is certainly going to be a great time to have a crack if hunting on the surface.

Now for all the  latest information log onto for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World, Davo’s Boating and Outdoors in Noosa and  Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!

About Tackle World Noosa

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