A black jewfish.

Do you know what the name jewfish refers to?

Did you know that the name jewfish refers to its large otoliths (ear bones) which are prized as jewels by some fishers?

This year saw the inclusion of black jewfish in our biological monitoring program. The aim is to collect age, length, and sex data from areas of high catch for black jewfish in waters off the east coast of Queensland between Ayr & Agnes Water.

A section of a 9-year-old Black Jewfish otolith caught in Mackay.


The ongoing collection of biological data builds on the baseline data collected by a FRDC research project between 2020 and 2021. The most recent stock assessment showed it to be at a biomass at or above 60%

You can support this biological data collection by allowing fishery monitoring staff to measure catches or by providing fish frames.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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One comment

  1. The Black Jewfish in the Photo was not caught on the day the Photo was Taken ? Have a look at the Sunken in Eyes?

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