Billy Hitzke with a 38cm whiting he caught in the Burnett River recently.

Easter looking awesome around Bundaberg

Looking forward into the Easter break, it seems it’s going to be a cracker for any outdoor activities around the Bundaberg area. A good weather forecast has predicted light winds and sunny days for most of the break. Easter options for Bundaberg

The past week has seen most of our local river systems starting to clean up, especially down around the river mouths.  Most of the fresh has stopped flowing and a fair amount of salt water has started to push back up from the last set of big tides.  As a result, a lot of fish have started to move back up the rivers and creeks.

The Baffle and Kolan are fishing well with good numbers of bream, whiting and flathead all being caught down around the mouths.  Some big grunter and plenty of crabs have been caught in good numbers, so dust off the pots and try your luck over Easter.

The Burnett River has also started to fish well, with the area from the mouth back up to Fairymead producing some quality fish.  Some good numbers of grunter and three-tooth jew have been caught in the deeper water around the Port.

Some of the sand flats have produced an excellent run of sand whiting, and they are there in good numbers and are of quality size.  The first of the making tides seems to be best and fresh yabbies have been some of the best baits for these thumper sand whiting.

The Burnett has also been producing a run of mud crabs, with some really good quality crabs being caught.

Lake Monduran will be worth a look over Easter.  They have some fantastic camping facilities and some great barra fishing, so why wouldn’t you want to go there?  There has been some cracker barra caught in the dam this past week, with a few bigger barra to 105cm being caught.

Most of the barra have been caught from Bird Bay, right up into the northern arm of the “B” section.  Most of the bigger barra have been caught on Jackall Squirrels, Smash Minnows and Squidgy Slick Rick soft plastics.

Lastly, from the team here at Tackle World Bundaberg, we would like to wish you all a safe and happy Easter and we will catch you next week.

Till next time,

Tim Mulhall

Easter options for Bundaberg Easter options for Bundaberg Easter options for Bundaberg Easter options for Bundaberg Easter options for Bundaberg

About Tackle World Bundaberg

22 Quay St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 1800 822 553 or (07) 4153 4747

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