Evelyn came out on top with an awesome whiting. Her brother Ellis was happy to share the fishing spotlight.

Encourage young anglers for our fishing future

We recently received notification that this was to be the final edition of Bush ‘n Beach Fishing.

This was very sad news – the publication has provided so much awesome information, a great many stories of people’s triumphs and failures and an abundance of firsts and personal bests by our fishos.

The Tackle Land crew would like to pass on our personal thanks to Ben, Lisa, the rest of the team and to all those who sent photos in for us to share.

Our community has shown so much support over the years – thank you.

We wish the entire team from Bush ‘n Beach Fishing all the very best and we thank you for bringing so much pleasure to our lives.


For our final contribution to BNB, I have picked a few stories from the many I received.

This wasn’t easy, I would have liked to submit them all.

We love seeing new fishos come into the fold and young Wolf is a perfect example.

Wolf’s dad came into Tackle Land to grab some bait and young Wolf seemed very keen to share his version on how the day was going to unfold.

I asked dad if he could grab a photo of Wolf and his first fish, and this is what I was sent.

Three-year old Wolf caught his first ever fish – he’s hooked.


“My young fella Wolf – three – caught his first fish this morning.”

“Hooked and wound it in, all by himself – wasn’t so sure about holding it though.

“It wasn’t the biggest one we got today, but it was the first and that’s all that mattered to him.”

Well done Wolf, you have so many new adventures ahead of you.

Bede is not a newcomer, yet he is a young enthusiast with a great talent of hauling crackers over the side of the boat.

We received a photo of Bede with a very nice little bream caught at Garnet Rock, off Redcliffe.

His dad added a few words from Bede’s day out.

Bede with a nice little bream from Garnet Rock, off Redcliffe.


“Attached is a picture from my son’s ‘haul’ yesterday.”

“As per usual, he topped the tally board, so to speak.

“Bede had a great day and caught sweetlip, moses perch, sole, squire, wrasse and one cranky eel.

“Using Bream Pack bait and local squid purchased from Tackle Land Sandgate.

“Mark, he remembered your advice – he said to me last night at dinner, ‘Dad, do you know why I caught so many fish… because I dropped my bait under the boat.’”

It is so rewarding to have the privilege of passing on information, tips and advice to these young anglers.

I was once told that what you know, passes with you, so share as much as you can with the ones that want to listen and learn, they will appreciate it.

Young Ellis is back.

Bless hooked her very first spanish mackerel on a Halco Laser Pro Deep Diver 2m in King Brown.


Not only is he still catching cracker fish, but he is also sharing the limelight with his sister Evelyn.

I’m not sure if Ellis passed on a few of the professional tips he’s picked up when fishing with dad to his sister, but Evelyn certainly came out on top with an awesome whiting.

Well done Evelyn, many more great catches await you.

Another returning young fisho is Tori. fishing

As you can see, Tori was only a little stoked with the 110cm cobia he caught from the Ted Smout Memorial Bridge area.

We have seen an abundance of cobia being landed, and a lot of gear destroyed too.

Normally in this area, live or dead herring are the best go-to bait for many species.

If you want a chance of hooking up to one of these brutes, jig up some live herring, send them out unweighted and wait.

Word to the wise, don’t leave your rod unattended.

Well done Tori, a perfect trip and awesome rewards.

It is our pleasure to introduce female angler Bless.

Tori was stoked with the 110cm cobia he caught from the Ted Smout Memorial Bridge area.


When trolling off Cape Moreton with proud dad Adam, Bless hooked her very first spanish mackerel.

Adam said they were trolling a Halco Laser Pro Deep Diver 2m in King Brown when it was smashed in typical spanish fashion.

Bless did well to play this one out and get it in the boat before it got taxed.

Well done Bless, you will be teaching young Jett a thing or two before he knows it.

I am so glad that we could bring you stories of awesome young fishos for this the last issue.

It was totally humbling to have had the opportunity to write, share and be part of the BNB family.

I will miss the ‘no pressure but I need your article’ email from Lisa every month.

We wish the entire team from Bush ‘n Beach Fishing all the very best and we thank you for bringing so much pleasure to our lives.

Thank you from the Tackle Land crew and our awesome community!

Be safe out there and maintain the passion.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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