Enjoy fresh and safe NSW seafood this Easter

NSW DPI Fisheries is cracking down on the sale of black-market seafood heading into the Easter holiday period.

Fisheries Officers will be conducting regular inspections across NSW to detect, deter and disrupt the black-market trade in seafood products.

Buying seafood from established seafood retailers, authorised commercial fishers, fish and shellfish farmers this Easter will ensure the produce has met the strict safety measures required by the NSW Food Authority making it safe to eat, is lawfully obtained and sustainably harvested.

NSW is known for producing a diverse range of delicious, fresh and healthy seafood that is enjoyed by customers all over the world, and we want to keep it that way. The sale of illegal seafood undermines legitimate operators who work hard to provide consumers with premium quality seafood.

NSW DPI Fisheries strongly advises against anyone consuming seafood if they don’t know where it came from. It can pose a significant health risk as it has likely not been handled to the high standards enforced on legitimate operators. Significant penalties apply to both buyers and sellers of black-market seafood in NSW.

The public are urged to report illegal or suspected illegal fishing activities to the Fishers Watch Phoneline on 1800 043 536 or via the online report form here – https://fal.cn/3gJWh.

To report suspected food poisoning or you believe a retailer has unhygienic practices, contact the NSW Food Authority Helpline on 1300 552 406.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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