Fishing Articles

From Newcastle to Noosa and Tewantin to the Torres Strait, Bush ‘n Beach Fishing magazine has got you covered with fishing articles from Australia’s most experienced anglers. Whether you’re into flathead, whiting, snapper, mackerel, bream, tuna, Murray cod, barramundi or bass fishing, there are fishing articles here to suit your interests. If you have an idea for a fishing article, email Bush ‘n Beach subeditor Dan at  l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Hot bass action at Somerset


As readers of my column would know, I am more often than not a saltwater angler. However, at the start of the new year I felt the need for a new challenge, as well as a change of location from my usual estuary, bay, beach and flats fishing exploits. Recently, I reflected on a great bait-fishing session for bass I’d …

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South Australia’s sensational scenery


Hi all, with the silly season and school holidays over on the coast, let’s hope the Noosa area slows down a bit. It was so crazy – for my family and I, we didn’t even think about going over to Teewah or up to Inskip Point for a swim and a day trip. So, what did we do to instead? …

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Mud crab madness

I’m so glad we’re starting to see slightly cooler weather. Some of the days in summer were super humid and hot. I have to admit that, as I’m getting older, I do enjoy having the comfort of a bimini on the boat. The last trip I did with my daughter, we certainly needed it and then, on the next trip, …

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Broadwater biting bonanza


Hi everyone, hard to believe it’s March already. Times flies when you’re having fun, and we have been having lots of fishing fun on our estuary charters. Brad Smith has, as usual, been catching heaps of flathead, jewfish, trevally and more for clients on his lure-fishing charters on the Tweed River. Smithy has been an estuary fishing guide for over …

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Chasing a feed of mud crabs

mud crabs

I enjoy the whole process of chasing a feed of mud crabs and it’s great fun for the whole family. From motoring up a tiny mangrove-lined creek, the search for likely spots to throw baited pots, the anticipation with the kids of pulling up a big buck, to boiling your catch as you enjoy a well-earned beverage. Both little and …

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Kids with cracking catches


Seriously, it’s March already! Where have the past 12 months gone? I was reading a few articles that I’d written a while back, and I came across this little snippet – glad to say that things have not changed and our focus remains looking forward! We try to focus on kids and family, both in these write ups and particularly …

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Deep water working best for offshore fishos


Hello and welcome – this year seems to be flying by incredibly quickly. The kids have gone back to school, and we have settled back into a little bit of normality, however I’m sure if we blink, it will be Easter before we know it. It probably doesn’t help my cause that Easter eggs and hot cross buns are being …

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Making memories at K’gari


Over the years, I was fortunate to have spent a lot of time at Fraser Island or, as we now know it, K’gari. The memories I have of my time on the island seem endless and often involve fish. From an 18kg longtail tuna hooked at the boat, to a solo session bag out on red emperor to 13kgs. A …

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Crabs and jacks in Tin Can Bay

G’day crew, I trust everyone had a belter of a holiday and got out to smack a few fish over the past month or so. Can’t say I’ve done too much over the past couple of weeks because the shop has been pumping and I’ve not been able to get out – but hey, that’s retail for you. Plenty of …

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Quick trip to Cooktown


Late November and early December bring glassy and extremely humid conditions to far north Queensland. The transition period into the wet season – known as the doldrums – sees the strong southeasterly wind completely drop out. It can be one of the most exciting times to visit Cape York.   Most travellers have headed south to avoid the onset of …

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