fish to feed your family
Mitch Gibson with a nice Spanish mackerel he caught recently.

Fishing to feed your family around Bundaberg

Mitch Gibson with the queenfish he caught on a recent fishing trip.
Kahn Ashmore with the 60cm cod he caught in the Burnett River recently.


Well, this year Easter was a bit different than usual but we still had our share of chocolate Easter eggs!   I hope you all had a fantastic time with your family and loved ones.  We heard of many families being adventurous and camping in their own backyard!


Whilst the Federal Government has directed that fishing to feed your family and yourself in your local waterways is still allowed, remember it’s only with your family who lives with you; or you with one other person on board, and the social distancing rules still apply.

It is an opportune time to have your maintenance done on your gear, boat and trailer.  Think about upgrading your hooks, checking your line, freshly rigging your spearguns, sharpening up your filleting knives and stalking Google Earth for new spots for when COVID-19 is over.


Authorities say the restrictions will help protect the community, particularly those in rescue services, who have still been responding to jobs amid the pandemic.  The main reason is we don’t want people breaking down and volunteers having to go out and rescue them.


I totally appreciate boaties and anglers will not be happy, but we really need to listen to the Government and authorities and adhere to what they are saying.

Remember, you can still support your local favourite business by buying a gift card to use when this pandemic is behind us.

Stay safe and keep smiling.

The team at

Tackle World Bundaberg

Whilst the Federal Government has directed that fishing to feed your family and yourself in your local waterways is still allowed, remember it’s only with your family who lives with you; or you with one other person on board, and the social distancing rules still apply.

About Tackle World Bundaberg

22 Quay St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 1800 822 553 or (07) 4153 4747

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