Court delivers strong deterrent to repeat offender for fishing in Marine Park Sanctuary Zones.

Fisho fined $7820 and gear seized

Court delivers strong deterrent to repeat offender for fishing in Marine Park Sanctuary Zones.

A 45-year old man from South Durras NSW has been convicted and sentenced for Marine Park offences taking place on the 21st of December 2021.

The man was observed fishing from a boat in the Murramarang Sanctuary Zone and Murramarang Special Purpose Zones in the Batemans Marine Park and was seen to take fish from both zones.

The man was apprehended and the fish, fishing gear and plotters used were seized. The man was prosecuted and issued with fines and ordered to pay professional costs totalling $7,820.00. The seized gear was also forfeited.

Sanctuary zones are areas in Marine Parks that provide the highest level of protection for biological diversity, and habitat. Fishing and the possession of rigged fishing gear is strictly prohibited in Sanctuary Zones.

Fishers are reminded to download the NSW FishSmart app to be aware of and stay up to date of all the Fisheries and Marine Parks rules in NSW.

To report illegal fishing, call the Fishers Watch phone line 1800 043 536 or report online.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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