fishing forecast moreton bay fishing in coming weeks

Forecast for Moreton Bay fishing in coming weeks

Well this last week has been slow on the fishing front due to wind and bad weather. So this week we will forecast how the current weather will affect fishing in coming weeks.

The rain we all prayed for has finally come. With some last week and continuing into this week/weekend a lot of people are asking what we think this will do to the bay. Well this all depends on how fast it all comes down. Our predictions are good though. Yes, it will turn the inshore bay to a bit of chocolate colour, but this is very temporary.

The snapper and Sweetlip will continue to feed as usual although they may become more tide dependent for the salty high tides to come so they can feed back in the shallows. the bream and whiting will get a little more sporadic and harder to find although if you put the time in you will still find good size.

In the long term I think this is a great thing. the rain cleans the bay out and to get it now should prepare us for a great autumn/winter season on snapper bream and squid. given it slows down now for a little bit but if the fishing improves in the near future it’s worth the wait.

The dams have needed this water bad with most SEQ dams dropping below 60% over Christmas. the bass and Yellowbelly will love this weather. focus on your sounder and you should find some tightly packed schools around points and drop offs. the schools will generally be smaller but more of them. just move around your target areas a bit and you should stumble across 3 or 4 schools in one area.

all in all, we should have some great things come from this and we look forward to the net 3-4 weeks when the fishing fires right up

Have a good weekend and stay safe on our wet roads if you do head out.

About Wellington Point Marine

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