Going Fishing this Easter? Check the Rules Before You Go

THOUSANDS of people will take to the water over the Easter long weekend, prompting a reminder to all fishers to check the rules and fish responsibly.

Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol manager Ian Fricke said hefty fines apply for  those who don’t follow the rules and regulations for fishing in Queensland. “Different rules apply to fishing in tidal waters, fresh waters, marine parks and  interstate,” Mr Fricke said.

“It’s  important all fishers, regardless of whether they are experienced or first timers, take the time to familiarise themselves with the rules that apply, including size and possession limits, how to correctly measure fish, fishing gear restrictions and closed seasons.

“QBFP  officers will be out and about talking to fishers as part of our education program on fishing and boating rules, and where needed, will enforce regulations throughout the Easter holiday period.”

Fishing tips and responsibilities

Check your limits For a complete list of size and possession limits, visit www.fisheries.qld.gov.au or download the Qld Fishing app.
Measuring devices Use a sturdy ruler with an end stop to measure the length of your fish or a crab gauge to measure your crabs.
Identify your catch Always carry a fish identification guide or download the Qld Fishing app. Remember, fish that look similar may in fact be different species with different size and possession limits. If you can’t ID it, free it.
Gently does it When a fish is hooked, avoid playing it on the line for too long. The stressed fish will become exhausted quickly and have less chance of survival if required to be released.
Check your gear A number of restrictions apply to fishing gear in Queensland. Check the rules online at www.fisheries.qld.gov.au
If it’s not yours, don’t touch it Interfering with crab apparatus you didn’t set is illegal. If you’re concerned apparatus has been abandoned, report it to Fishwatch on 1800 017 116.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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