Ava did well landing this Hammerhead hark off South Stradbroke Island.

Great conditions on Tweed and Gold Coast

conditions conditionsHi Everyone, hope you’ve all had a great week, it’s nice to  see some good weather after the cold and windy weekend put a stop to most fisho’s getting out on the water. Great conditions this week on the Tweed and Gold Coasts have seen keen anglers finding a variety of action. Let’s have a look at what’s been happening.

Flathead have been quite active this week leading up to the full moon, Coomera Houseboats customer John (see photo in report) did well catching and releasing a cracking 78cm fish at Kangaroo Island Jumpinpin on a Yabbie as bait on his holiday. Some bigger Flathead are starting to show up more consistently as we head closer to the prime breeding time in September/October. The big females will attract quite a number of smaller males which are a good size fish if you want to keep a couple for a feed, just remember the rules in Queensland minimum size is 40cm and maximum size limit is 75cm.  Drifting with bait is a good way to cover ground and find Flathead if you not used to using lures. Yabbies, White Pilchards, Blue Bait and strips of Mullet Fillet make great baits.

For the lure fisho’s trolling hard body lures along the Mangrove lined banks of Islands and edges of Sandbanks is a great method as Flathead will sit head into the current waiting for bait fish to swim past. Trolling against the tide is not recommended as the fish will have to turn to attack your lure and will 9 times out of 10 result in no hook up. Some good areas to try your luck are Bedrooms, Tipplers Passage, Paradise Point, Aldershots, Never Fails Islands, Kalinga Bank, Tiger Mullet Channel, Cabbage Tree Point, Currumbin Creek and the Logan River Mouth.

Schools of Tailor responded well to the cold westerly winds last weekend with keen anglers getting stuck into some nice quality catches. Gutters along South Stradbroke Island produced good numbers of nice fish, also Main Beach North to Pumping Jetty, Palm Beach, Burleigh Heads and from Fingal north to the Tweed Bar. Throwing metal slugs, surface walkers and poppers is a fun and very visually rewarding way to target Tailor with some awesome bite action to fire you up. Whole WA Pilchards were the best bait followed by Mullet, Bonito or Tailor Fillet on ganged hooks.

Smithy from Brad Smith Fishing Charters reports on the Tweed the ongoing great winter weather continues with cool clean morning starts and warm windless days. Not a lot has changed from last week’s report and the Flathead are still dominating the catch rate. Being in the right spot around the tide changes is the time that really triggers their feeding instinct. A pattern that is not uncommon for all our species. The deeper holes in the rivers are producing the odd nice size Tailor and very small School Jew but these little guys still go well on light line. The slight increase in water temperature has also allowed us to have a bit of fun chasing some Bream on surface lures. The water is very clear in the river at present so very natural coloured lures are working the best.

Clint form the Gold Coast reports typical beautiful winter weather has made for some very pleasant days out on the Gold Coast Broadwater. Flathead tended to start feeding later in the day, and the large schools of Winter Whiting have moved out to the open ocean to find food. There has been a distinct lack of bait fish in the ultra-clear water, apart from white bait. As the old saying goes “match the hatch” and try Strike Pro blades, Zerek fishtraps in Olive Guppy colour. There has been a few nice Flathead, Bream, Whiting in the canals, and the odd small mulloway up the river. The Broadwater  Flathead can be found at the Aldershots, on the eastern side of Crab island, Anglers Paradise, and upriver from TSS on the western side. The rest of the catch in the Broadwater has consisted of Flounder, Squid, and Winter Whiting.  Look for signs of activity such as patches of bait and arch shapes for bigger fish on the fish finder.

Hope you all have a good weekend and get out for a fish, if you have any great catches or photos you would like to share, please email us and let us know how you went.

Fisho Tackle and Coomera Houseboat Holidays now have Hire Tinnies follow the link to view

Seabreeze is a great website to access a local forecast

If you have any great catches to report or fishing photos please email them to    Good luck with the Fishing.  Brett

Fisho Tackle operates with Coomera Houseboat Holidays.  We are open 7 days a week offering a great range of Fishing Tackle on the Gold Coast for our local area as well as bait & ice. We have the experience and local knowledge to get you out catching fish in no time.  We offer off street parking and also a courtesy jetty for customers arriving by boat. Call 07 5502 6200

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