
Great window to head offshore Sunshine Coast

Great weather windows for anglers to head offshore on the Sunshine Coast and chase quality reef species!

With the great run of weather still staying with us, lots of boaties have managed to get offshore and get stuck into a wide range of quality reef species including snapper, pearl perch, venus tusk fish and mulloway. From Sunshine reef, North reef, Barwon banks and the Hards the reports are consistent so ensure you find a great patch of ground and burley up if on the anchor. Dropping a Sabiki Bait jig will keep a steady stream of live bait coming in too so keep a live well primed and ready.

With Davos IQF pilchards being a great size at the moment they are matching perfectly with 4/0-5/0 gang hooks. Try floated them out the back in a solid burley trail for those more mid-water species or send them straight to the bottom with an 8-10 sized ball sinker to find those great reef fish. Remember to try using bait wrap if the smaller fish are taking your bait quickly. Soft plastics continue to dominate so come in and take a look at our larger jerk shad style plastics. Berkley Gulp and Chasebaits Fork baits are just a few standout offerings when rigged on larger jigheads in the ¾-2oz weight range. Smaller pelagics are still in good numbers with both spotted and school mackerel reports still coming in, tuna are also still around with some good long tail and Mac tuna boated over the last week.
The Noosa River has been working well for those anglers fishing with lighter tackle.

With the lack of rain the visibility of the water is high so 4-6lb leaders are a must for the lure fisherman targeting some of our many Trevally species. Micro jigs and smaller soft plastics are the go with these fish and the Blue Blue and IMA jigs are the standouts in the smaller options. For the soft plastics anglers Samaki Boom Baits, Zman grubs, Chasebaits curly baits are all working well. We also have a special on Entice Bungy baits plastics if you purchase 3 packs we will give you an extra for free! These are made of 10x material and come a wide range of options for the river and offshore. Bigger whiting are still showing up around the dog beach, frying pan and lower estuary areas. These are best targeted on worms, yabbies and even a small section of prawn.

Don’t forget we stock a huge range of yabby bait pumps for collecting your own baits. Surface lures are another great option when paired with super light leaders and braid so come take a look at our huge range. Cooler evening temps are seeing some huge Flathead in the lower estuary. These fish have been caught on a wide range of baits including Whitebait, live baits, diving hardbodies and soft plastics. With these bigger fish having a small bite leader of 12lb can really help you stay connected. Having a larger landing net is crucial to landing these big momma’s so come take a look at our wide range we have on offer.

On the beaches; the Noosa North Shore toward Teewah and Double Island has been the place to be. We have been getting some good reports of both good sized jew and tailor coming in. Using bigger strip baits or pilchards on ganged hooks with a ball sinker is one of the better methods. Don’t forget to use bait wrap if you want to land those bigger fish! On the southern beaches from Coolum to Sunshine beaches we have seen a good variety of bread and butter species, fishing the gutters on lighter tackle has been providing anglers with a lot of fun, whiting, bream chopper tailor and dart have been sitting in these gutters feeding on worm pippies and small strip baits.

Borumba and Lake MacDonald have been fishing well for anglers using small soft plastics cast deep into structure. The right arm at Borumba is a surface angler’s paradise and the Northern banks of Lake Macdonald is where you will find the Bass enjoying the early morning sun. Lighter 1/6th to 1/8th jig heads on a size 2 hook are the best option on 6-8lb leader. Surface presentations are still working well and we have the new Jackall micro pompadour and Chasebaits wiggle bomb which are going to be hugely popular and made of 10x material. Don’t forget to purchase your fresh water permits before heading to the dams.

Now for all the latest information log onto for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World in Noosa or Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle at Marcoola to find out where the fish are biting, and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!


quality reef species quality reef species quality reef species quality reef species

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