
Grey mackerel biological monitoring

Did you know that there are more grey mackerel caught in the Gulf of Carpentaria than anywhere else in Australia?

Grey mackerel are found from Shark Bay in Western Australia, across northern Australia and down the east coast to northern NSW.

This year Fishery Monitoring have expanded the collection of length, sex, and age information from commercial catches of grey mackerel on the east coast to include the Gulf of Carpentaria, where the stock is biologically different to the east coast.

Commercial fishers and seafood wholesalers will help with the collection of biological information from commercial catches of grey mackerel on the east coast of Australia.

Boat ramp surveys will also help us to sample grey mackerel caught by recreational fishers.

Monitoring focuses on specific regions during certain times of the year where most grey mackerel catches occur. The main regions include Cairns, Townsville, Bowen, Mackay, Rockhampton and Hervey Bay which are most heavily sampled between May and October.

Monitoring relies on the voluntary participation of the fishing industry to allow access to their catches for data collection. Confidential information is not shared.

Thank you to everyone who helps us with the collection of data for grey mackerel. Biological monitoring provides important information for assessing the status of our stocks into the future.

If you want to get involved email

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