Indonesia–Australia Strengthen Partnership to Combat Illegal Fishing

The Indonesian and Australian Governments yesterday signed a Joint Communiqué to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and to promote sustainable fisheries governance across the region.

The agreement was officially signed by Australian Agriculture and Water Resources Minister Barnaby Joyce and Indonesian Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti, in Indonesia yesterday. Speaking from Indonesia, Minister Joyce said the agreement deepened an already strong and mutually beneficial relationship with Indonesia to combat illegal fishing across the region. “Both Australia and Indonesia have long recognised the importance of sustainable fisheries management,” Minister Joyce said. “It is very clear that Indonesia remains committed to practical action that will deliver real benefits to sustainable fisheries management in the long term. Australia is proud to support that commitment. By sharing our knowledge and experience we can work together to ensure sustainability of fisheries in the region and encourage other regional partners to do the same.”

Minister Joyce said the agreement emphasised high-level engagement as well as co-operation on fisheries matters at the operational level. “By working together in partnership, countries can more effectively monitor, intercept and deny passage to illegal fishing vessels and undermine their business models,” Minister Joyce said. “This Joint Communiqué reaffirms the commitment of Australia and Indonesia to work with existing fora such as the Regional Plan of Action, which is a coalition of 11 regional countries who work co-operatively to reduce the occurrence and impact of illegal fishing and improve fisheries governance across the region.”

Illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing is recognised globally as a threat to the management and conservation of marine resources and ecosystems, and in particular to sustainable fisheries. Eradicating illegal fishing will enhance the prosperity of coastal communities in both countries.

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