Fishing stocked impoundments is a great option during the closed season.

It’s barramundi closed season on the east coast

Our Fisheries Queensland East Coast fisheries manager Daniel answers some questions about barramundi closed season:

Why do we have closed barramundi seasons?

Closed seasons are typically developed to reduce pressure on fish stocks during a period of vulnerability. Typically closed seasons are determined around the time when the fish is most likely to be spawning, migrating or aggregating.

Do we have data about how this has helped populations?

Wild populations of barramundi are routinely assessed every few years using published stock assessments that utilise monitoring data on catch, effort and biology, such as length and age of the stock, to understand how the status of the stock changes through time.

Some published research has been done on the importance of not disrupting barramundi during spawning times, as well as the benefit of targeted closures both temporally and spatially.

Will there always be closed seasons?

Closed seasons are an effective and fair management measure, as they apply to all sectors equally. Closed seasons may change or be removed as new information on the fish’s biology and the effectiveness of a closed season become more available.

Where can I catch a barra then?

Prescribed barramundi waterways are open to fishing during the closure, as they are above waterway barriers without fish passage and rely on stocking to maintain a recreational fishery.

For more information visit the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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