Dale Smith with a bream caught in the Burnett recently.

Kolan and Burnett rivers producing the goods

With the weather forecast not looking great for this weekend with fresh south-easterlies predicted, fishing will be restricted to our local rivers and dams which are both producing some nice fish.

Across the Waves fishing club had another successful outing last weekend. By all reports, the Burnett river still produced the goods with some nice bream, 3 tooth jew, blue salmon, big grunter and flathead all being weighed in. From what I have heard, most of the better fish were caught on bait with strips of mullet fillet and fresh yabbies being the standouts.

The Kolan River has also really fired up over the past fortnight with the warmer daytime temperatures. The more aggressive summer species like mangrove jack and barramundi are starting to shine. There is so much fishable country in the Kolan that all hold good fish. The jack tend to live close to hard structure like rock bars and fallen timber whereas the barramundi, whilst also still liking structure, will also hang in the deeper holes and the many rock bars throughout this fantastic little system.

Some standout lures have been suspending hard bodies like the Jackall squirrel and soft plastics like any of the Z-man range, which rigged weedless should do the trick. The first signs of a few prawns showing up in the Kolan and Burnett rivers have been seen. This should improve the coming weeks.

With a bit of luck with the few warmer days this week, we should see the barra at Lake Monduran starting to fire up. Even though the wind will be blowing there is always somewhere to hide at the back of bays chasing these fantastic sports fish.

Lake Gregory still remains one of the most productive bass fisheries in Queensland. The bass are biting on a heap of different techniques, but fishing for bass with poppers at first light would have to be one of my favourite techniques.

Fish with confidence,

Dale Smith
Tackle World Bundaberg

About Tackle World Bundaberg

22 Quay St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 1800 822 553 or (07) 4153 4747

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