gregory bass bundy rivers

Lake Gregory bass biting and Bundy rivers firing

Looking forward into the Christmas break, it is looking like it’s going to be some of the best weather we have had around the Bundaberg area all year.  So, hopefully we’ll see some fantastic offshore fishing done, but as always, keep an eye out for any up-to-date weather forecasts before heading out.

A few days earlier this week saw some great reef fishing, with some quality catches of coral trout, sweetlip and some big parrot, as well as a mixed bag of cobia and Spanish mackerel.  Some of the inshore reefs have produced some school mackerel, squire and some big grunter.

Most of the Bundy rivers and creeks are bouncing back really quickly after recent rains, so conditions and water colour are looking really good.

gregory bass bundy rivers
The mouths of both Baffle Creek and the Kolan River will be the areas to concentrate on as these areas see the cleanest water.  There has been a good number of grunter, flathead and whiting about in the Bundy rivers.  There is also a few trevally and queenfish right at the mouths as well.

The good old Burnett is shaping up really well also, with plenty of salt pushing back up to the top of the river.  Plenty of grunter and river perch are lurking in the deeper holes and some cracker bream are about the rock walls and gravel beds.

Some of the sand bars have seen a few whiting and the odd flathead, mainly of the first of the making tides. The Elliott River has seen plenty of dart and whiting from around the mouth, but unfortunately the upper reaches are still a bit fresh.

Most of the local systems are producing a few mud crabs and seem to be well worth the effort. Prawns have slowed up a bit but hopefully next full moon should get them on the move again.

Lake Monduran has produced a few barra this past week.  The barra seem to love these stable weather patterns and have responded well to small diving hard body lures and smaller 4” plastics. There has been a good number of Lake Gregory bass caught, with most being taken on spinnerbaits around the weed edges.

Lastly, merry Christmas to you and all your families.  Stay safe, enjoy your break and I may see somewhere you out on the water.

Till next time,

Tim Mulhall

About Tackle World Bundaberg

22 Quay St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 1800 822 553 or (07) 4153 4747

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