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Best of Western Australia


I totally understand how families can spend one, two or even more years travelling around our awesome country. camp It is not for everyone, yet if it’s something you’d like to do and you can make it work, I encourage all to do it – you won’t be disappointed. My main regret was not going for longer, though we do …

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Northern Territory must act to protect barramundi fishery


The Amateur Fishermen’s Association of the Northern Territory, the peak body representing the recreational fishing sector in the Northern Territory, is calling for urgent weight-based barramundi catch quotas to be introduced for key Top End catchments, including the Daly River and Roper River. This follows concerns that commercial fishers were targeting bigger harvests from important recreational and Traditional fishing areas, …

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Fabulous fishing in the Whitsundays


Put yourself here – turquoise waters stretching towards a horizon dotted with emerald islands, the sun warming your skin as you stand on the deck of a sleek boat, anticipation running through your veins. Suddenly, a line screaming taut – the fight is on. The ocean erupts in a flurry of shimmering scales and primal power. This is game fishing …

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NSW eastern blue groper rule changes


New eastern blue groper fishing rule changes From March 1 2024, taking eastern blue groper by any method, including line fishing, is prohibited as part of a 12-month trial, to ensure greater protection of this iconic species. During the 12-month trial, DPI Fisheries are consulting with stakeholders and the broader community on longer term changes to eastern blue groper fishing …

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Preparation and planning for a peninsula trip


Well, what a doozy of a summer we’re having! trip Cyclones, tropical lows and some of the most intense and widespread thunderstorms on record. Plus, of course, the cracking heat and humidity. Overall, this is definitely one of the wildest seasons I’ve seen. Apparently as a result of sea surface temperatures being considerably above normal around eastern Australia – even …

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Cracking catches on Capricorn Coast


This month I was going to cover the Shimano King of Kings competition but unfortunately, I’ve run out of time. Keep an eye out for an in-depth run-down next month. For this issue, we’ll have a good look around at what’s been happening locally. With the warmer weather, the estuaries have all been about grunter, fingermark, mangrove jack and barramundi. …

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Great fishing from close-in reefs


Autumn has arrived and with it hopefully some reprieve from the constant heat we had during January and February. reefs During February, strong wind was the norm, with only small breaks in the constant blustery conditions allowing people to sneak out wider. This restricted most people to the harbour, rivers, creeks and inshore reefs and headlands around the region. With …

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Surprise snapper success


Well, what a dismal start to 2024! snapper With all the rain earlier in the year, the water around the southern bay islands was very ordinary, to say the least. Throw in the wind and trying to coordinate dates when people can go fishing with the days and weather windows available and we’ve managed only one day on the water …

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Tips for dirty water targets


March is normally an excellent month to chase fish and crustaceans around Brisbane. Mud crabs were well and truly on the move towards the end of January, and there were also plenty of smaller prawns getting around, which meant things were looking good for the coming weeks. Then the rain turned up and dumped 300mm overnight around the north Brisbane …

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Spotted mackerel ring netting update


The recent commercial netting activities in Moreton Bay, initially raised on social media, has triggered a reaction from many recreational fishos. With most of these anglers having fished the bay for years, they no doubt saw the damage ring netting did to fish stocks back in the 1980s – which has taken years for the fishery to recover from. Before …

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