stanage bay mackerel
This big spanish mackerel was a prized capture in May.

Make the most of mixed species at Stanage Bay

WELCOME one and all to Stanage Bay, Shoalwater Bay, Percy Isles and surrounding islands.

Of late the Stanage Bay road in from the highway has been in reasonable condition. As usual, from the Shoalwater Bay turn-off to the Plumtree boat ramp, apart from the sealed sections, lie a supply of deep potholes and a couple of dangerous drains and wash-outs. I believe council has had ample time since the cyclone Debbie-associated rainfall to rectify these issues.

The estuary has given up mixed species including quality parrot, jewfish, large bream, flathead, cod, barra, grunter and blue salmon. Good on the anglers who endeavoured through the hard days to come out on top by the end of their holiday. We’ve seen numerous big muddies to top it all off.

Around the islands and offshore, the bigger boats have not been big enough to combat the rough weather most of the time. Mother Nature has only permitted brief windows of calm weather.  But within these windows were excellent fish captures. Onya Wes for accidently hooking a mackerel and getting it on board with light line and a small lure – gee, I wish I had a pic.

Big grass sweetlip have been chewing big time around the Dukes. The pics show how proud Garry was with his parrot, as was Lissy with her jewfish, which was her first over a metre. Well done Lissy!  As for June and what you should expect to pull on board, if you are fishing the reef and islands, I anticipate spanish mackerel off Steep and Alnwick islands.

Not too far away you will find Low Rock and Table Rock.  Both those rocks fish surprisingly well at certain times of the tides and they can produce anything from legal coral trout to red emperor and small and large-mouth nannygai. Stanage Bay Marine and Accommodation sells all safety gear, charts and books on the area as well as quality bait, ice and tackle.

Lissy landed this big 12kg-plus jewfish.
Brendan with an 86cm barra.
Garry was proud of his parrotfish.
stanage bay muddy
Aria Restaurant chefs Mark and Nic with a monster muddy.
 The fishing accommodation was set up for fishos by fishos and is close to the boat ramp, pub, servo and tackle shop.  Ask for Pacific Villa or Pacific Oasis when you call.

You can contact us at, on Facebook, by email at or call me on 07 4937 3145. Until next time, keep your lines and hooks wet.

About Stanage Bay Marine and Accomodation

36 Banksia Road, Stanage Bay, QLD 4703 T: 07 4937 3145

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