
Mustad Big Eye Bucktail Jig

MUSTAD has released a range of bucktail jigs designed for fishing from freshwater through to the deepest saltwater ledges.

Built on the 32824 NP-BN 2X strong hook, the Mustad Big Eye Bucktail Jig features two-line tie positions to give the angler options.

The nose tie allows the angler to cast and retrieve the jig, mimicking a swimming action.

The top tie allows the angler to employ a more traditional jigging retrieve.

But don’t think there are only two uses for these jigs – clever anglers are already fitting them out for trolling dead bait for mackerel and more!

Featuring oversized 3D eyes, the Big Eye Bucktail Jig has hand-tied deer hair and crystal flash to give the jigs an appearance of life when being used.

There is also a keeper wire located near the lead head that allows soft plastic trailers to be fitted, as well as bait.

An epoxy finish gives the head a durability against the elements and fish, and the eight colours in the range allow every angler to have the colour they want.

Sizes range from a 3/4oz jig with a 5/0 hook, all the way through to a massive 8oz jig fitted with a 9/0 hook.

Wilson are also the largest supplier in Australia of the world famous Mustad Hooks and their expanding range of accessories.

With Wilsons vast range of products and very large stock quantities of both Australian made and quality imported merchandise, they are able to outfit entire shops. Retailers can approach Wilsons and virtually get everything they need – a one stop shop.


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