Insights into boat insurance

Bush ‘n Beach has brought Nautilus Marine Insurance on board to expand the fine print and provide readers with clear, easy-to-understand and helpful tips on protecting their boating assets.

The scenario
You want to get into serious offshore fishing. You’ve got a boat that is up to the task but you’re not sure whether any insurance companies will cover you for the long road trip to the central Queensland coast and then wide to the outer reefs.

The answer
If your boat is insured with a boat insurance specialist such as Nautilus Marine, you will probably be covered for an offshore distance of 250 nautical miles. In real terms (and provided you have an appropriate boat with sufficient fuel range and communications) that means a distance further than from Gladstone to Cato Reef.

But in more practical terms, it also covers the now ultra-popular fishing destinations such as Douglas Shoal, Haberfield Shoal, Guthrie Shoal and Innamincka Shoal off Gladstone. Years ago, these places were most commonly reached by very large boats and charter operators.

But today’s greater reliability and fuel economy of marine engines and outboards, the development of many outstanding, smaller fibreglass and alloy hulls designed specifically for offshore work, and the advent of very sophisticated marine electronics now make these destinations far more accessible for many boat owners.

And if yours is a trailer boat, a specialist marine insurer will also provide coverage for your road trip towing the boat to its launch point. However, not all insurance companies extend your reach that far wide, so it’s worth checking with your insurer before leaving on your trip.

Marine insurance specialists also understand that people sometimes want to tow their boats interstate, or that they may have to relocate their boat as part of a job transfer. Once again, it is common for them to provide coverage for the boat in transit.

Nautilus Marine will also cover your boat if it is on its trailer and being transported on a truck.
If you are moving interstate and need to leave before your boat is sold, Nautilus Marine will cover your boat when it has been left behind to be sold on consignment in a recognised marine dealership.

All these are reasons why you should insure with a specialist marine insurer rather than a company that focuses on coverage of other possessions you might own. Don’t simply assume your boat will be covered in every circumstance by every insurer. Always check your policy and its product disclosure statement.

And if you need further information, you can contact Nautilus Marine Insurance on 1300 780 533 for any boat insurance requirements.

Win a Nautilus Marine rod

Nautilus will also be answering your boat insurance questions of a general nature and offering a great bi-monthly prize to the best questions received.
The prize is a custom-built 15kg Nautilus Marine-branded overhead 5’6” light game and reef fishing rod crafted by Gary Howard and featuring Fuji guides, a graphite reel seat and roller tip.
Each rod has a retail value of about $300.

Just email your questions to

More insights into boating insurance by Nautilus Marine

Insights into boat insurance


About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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