Management changes for east coast spanish mackerel.

New rules for spanish mackerel start July 1

To help rebuild stocks of east coast spanish mackerel, new rules will be in place from July 1, 2023.

From this date, the recreational possession limit will change to one fish per person, or two fish per boat with two or more recreational fishers on board.

The boat limit will not apply to licensed charter fishing trips.

Also from July 1, the extended charter trip limit will be removed – this currently allows recreational fishers to take twice the in-possession limit for charter trips longer than 48 hours.

And, the total allowable commercial catch will be adjusted from 578 tonnes to 165 tonnes for the 2023 fishing season.

A new smartphone app will be developed for recreational fishers to voluntarily report Spanish mackerel catches on the east coast and shark depredation. By supplying your catch information, you also improve our data, and the accuracy of our fish stock analyses.

A new education and awareness program will be introduced to promote best practice catch, release and handling techniques for recreational fishers.

Search ‘spanish mackerel management changes’ at for more information.


About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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