No time to mullet over – head down to your local for World Fish and Chips Day

AUSTRALIANS are encouraged to head for their local fish and chips shop for dinner tonight to mark World Fish and Chips Day.

It’s also an opportunity to lodge a vote in the 2017 Australian Fish and Chips Awards according to Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources Anne Ruston. “Fish and chips is an iconic Australian dining experience and many Australians have a favourite fish and chips shop,” Minister Ruston said. “World Fish and Chips Day is the ideal excuse for a feed at your local shop, and voting for it in the Fish and Chips Awards. You’ll not only be supporting our world-class sustainable fishing industry by crunching your way through some delicious fish and chips, but by helping the industry tell some important success stories.”

“More than 40,000 votes have been cast in the competition so far, which is a great result. There’s still plenty of time to lodge a vote and recognise the hard work of our fishers who bring food to our table while supporting thousands of jobs and many regional communities across Australia. World Fish and Chips day also serves as a reminder of the freedom we enjoy in Australia to be able drop a line in the sea to catch our own dinner. Fishing is one of Australia’s most popular recreational and sporting activities.”

To vote for Australia’s best fish and chips, visit

The national winner will be announced on September 28, 2017 at the National Seafood Industry Awards in Sydney.

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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