South Coast dusky flathead stocking.

NSW South Coast dusky flathead stocking

Dusky flathead stocks in three popular NSW South Coast estuary systems have received a significant boost following the recent release of more than 50,000 flattie fingerlings!

Over recent weeks 27,900 dusky fingerlings have been released into St Georges Basin, 12,900 into Burrill Lake and 11,450 into Lake Conjola – bringing the total number of flatties released by NSW DPI this season to an impressive 52,250.

These fish were produced for NSW DPI by Narooma Aquaculture and are a top up to the two previous years of stocking events in these systems.

The stocked fish are expected to have good survival rates and should reach legal size of 36cm within two to three years. The juvenile duskies are being monitored by NSW DPI researchers with the help of volunteer citizen scientists.

This work is designed to evaluate the growth of the fish, their movements and impact of fish releases on the recreational fishery.

These releases are a key part of the NSW DPI Fisheries Marine Stocking Program and will boost local fisheries plus provide extra incentive for local and visiting fishers to wet a line.

These dusky flathead stocking events are a great example of your fishing fees at work! Contributing funds were also provided under the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy.

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