okuma komodo baitcast rods

Okuma Komodo baitcast rods

THE Okuma Komodo SS baitcast reel has a reputation for strength, reliability, stopping power and good looks.

It makes sense then that the matching series of Okuma Komodo baitcast rods follows the same design principles, from quality finish to 30T Toray carbon blank construction and Seaguide Hero Hi-Grade Low Frame Casting Guides, the attention to detail in bind and metal component highlights and custom ergonomic Okuma reel seat for increased ‘feel’.

Available in a selection of models that cover everything from heavy bass fishing and extracting mangrove jack to taking on monster impoundment barramundi and bucket-mouth Murray cod, this series of rods will impress in terms of both finish and performance.

For those throwing big swimbaits, there’s even a model for you, without the insane price tag commonly associated with swimbait rods. This model is 8’ of pure casting and stopping power, with an 8-15kg rating and casting weight rating of 1-4oz.

SRP for the 601MH/661MH is $129.90; the 661H/661XH has an SRP of $139.90 and the 801H retails for $149.90.


ModelActionLengthSectionsLine ratingCasting weight
KM-C-601MHMed Heavy6'0"16-8kg1/4-3/4oz
KM-C-661MHMed Heavy6'6"16-8kg1/4-3/4oz
KM-C-661XHX Heavy6'6"18-20kg1/4oz

It makes sense then that the matching series of Okuma Komodo baitcast rods follows the same design principles, from quality finish to 30T Toray carbon blank construction and Seaguide Hero Hi-Grade Low Frame Casting Guides, the attention to detail in bind and metal component highlights and custom ergonomic Okuma reel seat for increased ‘feel’.

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