PENN Clash Spinning Reel (Product News)

THE new PENN Clash spinning reel is a lightweight, technical spinning reel designed for modern saltwater sportfishing.

With the new CNC gear technology system, the precision aluminium/brass main gear and brass pinion are machined for exact tolerances to provide the smoothest possible operation.

The Clash is PENN-reliable and built to withstand years of saltwater conditions. The full-metal aluminium body and side plate and eight-plus-one sealed ball bearings add to the reel’s durability.

PENN Clash Spin Reel

A Techno-Balanced RR30 carbon rotor on the smaller reels, aluminium on the bigger sizes, with the heavy-duty aluminium bail is built for a long life. The new Leveline slow-oscillation system is rugged and produces tight, near-perfect line lay for improved casting and reduced occurrences of ‘wind knots’.

A sealed HT-100 drag system is protected from corrosion and smoothly manages the fight from hook set to landing. The drag’s wave spring provides more drag capability compared to conventional coil springs, delivering a consistent drag curve with every turn from a light setting right up to max drag. In fact, up to 18kg of drag on the 8000 size reel.

The skirted spool is braid ready, with line capacity rings to keep the angler informed of line remaining on the spool. Six Clash models featuring an attractive and long-lasting black with gold trim finish are available, from the 245g 2500 to the 771g 8000.

RRP starts at $329.95 and Clash reels will be available from October 2015.

For more information, visit

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