Rec fishing boost in NT with artificial reefs and CCTV

ARTIFICIAL reefs and fish-attraction devices could be on the cards to boost the Northern Territory’s recreational fishing experiences and enhance its reputation as a world-class fishing destination.

A tender recently released by the NT Government has called for advice on the design and engineering specifications required to create scientifically developed and managed artificial reef systems and FADs. Primary Industries Minister Ken Vowles said it was part of plans to develop recreational fishing infrastructure during the next five years.

“Recreational fishing is a key part of the Territory lifestyle and economy — it creates jobs and is a big part of what keeps so many people living in the NT,” Mr Vowles said. The development was part of a $50 million election promise and also includes a wireless CCTV system, which is now fully operational at the Dinah Beach boat ramp carpark, increasing security for the many boat ramp users. Also at Dinah Beach boat ramp, a tender has been awarded to construct a block of three unisex, semi-automated toilets in the carpark where construction is expected to be completed by November.

Middle Arm carpark will also get upgrades to the boat-ramp carpark to provide 25 vehicle and trailer parking bays. Fishing family Thomas, Melanie, Ruby, and Will Mayor said any investment by the government to local fishing spots was a good thing. They were particularly happy with the CCTV at Dinah Beach. “It means we can go fishing and not worry about anyone getting into the cars,” Mr Mayor said.

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ARTIFICIAL reefs and fish-attraction devices ARTIFICIAL reefs and fish-attraction devices ARTIFICIAL reefs and fish-attraction devices ARTIFICIAL reefs and fish-attraction devices

About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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