Quilted oyster doonas revolutionised shellfish reef restoration with 15m of living seawall installed at the Southport School.

Rejuvenating and enriching shellfish populations in Qld

The Quilted Oyster Doona stands at the forefront of a revolutionary strategy for shellfish reef restoration, providing a tailored solution to overcome challenges in rejuvenating and enriching shellfish populations across diverse marine environments.

The QOD provides a pragmatic and sustainable avenue for shellfish reef restoration and fortifies the structural integrity of marine infrastructure.

Rock walls, which are home to a number of critical recreational fish species, are precious marine ecosystems that need to be looked after.

By lining these habitats with QODs, we are ensuring the growth and food remain strong, particularly in those intertidal zones.

In a global first, QODs are cost-effective, fast and scalable.

They transform rock walls into living seawalls, promoting biodiversity and have the capability to bring back life to once-barren rock expanses.

Crafted from a non-degrading flexible gabion blanket, the quilted oyster doona ingeniously transforms revetment walls, eroding banks and pylons into a dynamic habitat.

The ‘basket’ is made using 316 stainless-steel welded wire and woven mesh, ensuring robustness and endurance in harsh marine conditions.

Central to the QOD’s efficacy is its incorporation of recycled and sanitised oyster shells.

With their intricate chemical composition, these shells act as a magnet for spat, fostering an optimal substrate for young shellfish.

Including recycled oyster shells creates an inviting haven for shellfish settlement, cultivating vibrant reef ecosystems.

Recently, 27m of QODs were installed in a Currumbin Creek tributary on the Gold Coast as part of a civil engineering project.

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