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Repeat offender cops $15,000 fine for illegal fishing activity

A WOODRIDGE man was recently found guilty in Southport Magistrates’ Court for illegal fishing activities, and was fined $15,000.

Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol was conducting inspections last year on the northern section of the Gold Coast, when Fisheries officers caught the man with four unmarked crab pots, seven undersize male mud crabs, five female mud crabs, and one undersize bream.

Fisheries officer Ryan Stove, who appeared in court to prosecute the matter, said the man had previously been caught and sentenced for similar illegal activities at the same location in the past year. “The defendant was educated about fishing rules and regulations in Queensland after his first interaction with QBFP officers,” Mr Stove said. “It is a very good result in terms of catching a repeat offender; the size of the fine imposed sets a standard to act as a deterrent.”

All crabs detected during the inspection were released into the surrounding waters alive. About 642,000 people fish for recreation in Queensland each year. Recreational fishers must be aware of and abide by the rules and regulations when fishing in fresh and tidal waters. The Queensland Recreational Boating and Fishing Guide provides a comprehensive guide of boating and fishing rules and responsibilities, and is available at daf.qld.gov.au

To report suspected illegal fishing activity, call the Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116. You can follow Fisheries Queensland on Facebook and Twitter (@Fisheries Qld).

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About Bush 'n Beach Fishing mag

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